Unauthorized Conduct “Strange” Things. 2 Strange Things Fire, Leviticus 10:1-2 Woman, Proverbs 2:16-17 Doctrines, Hebrews 13:9 Gods, Joshua 24:20 Fire,


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Presentation transcript:

Unauthorized Conduct “Strange” Things

2 Strange Things Fire, Leviticus 10:1-2 Woman, Proverbs 2:16-17 Doctrines, Hebrews 13:9 Gods, Joshua 24:20 Fire, Leviticus 10:1-2 Woman, Proverbs 2:16-17 Doctrines, Hebrews 13:9 Gods, Joshua 24:20

3 “Strange” (HOSEA 8:12) Hebrew (zur): “A primitive root; to turn aside (especially for lodging); hence to be a foreigner, strange, profane.” (Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary) Greek (xenos): “foreign (literally alien).” (Strong’s Greek Dictionary Hebrew (zur): “A primitive root; to turn aside (especially for lodging); hence to be a foreigner, strange, profane.” (Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary) Greek (xenos): “foreign (literally alien).” (Strong’s Greek Dictionary When God’s authority is not respected His word becomes a “strange” thing!

4 Strange Fire (LEVITICUS 10:1-2) Not commanded by the Lord Presumptuous sin, Psa. 19:13; Deut. 18:20 Despises authority, self-willed and disrespectful where honor is due, 2 Peter 2:10 Not commanded by the Lord Presumptuous sin, Psa. 19:13; Deut. 18:20 Despises authority, self-willed and disrespectful where honor is due, 2 Peter 2:10

5 Strange Fire (LEVITICUS 10:1-2) Not commanded by the Lord Presumptuous sin, Psa. 19:13; Deut. 18:20 Despises authority, self-willed and disrespectful where honor is due, 2 Peter 2:10 Not commanded by the Lord Presumptuous sin, Psa. 19:13; Deut. 18:20 Despises authority, self-willed and disrespectful where honor is due, 2 Peter 2:10 “Strange” fire is being offered today in churches of Christ: - Institutionalism – Acts 14:23; Phil. 1:1

6 Local Church is Sufficient Relieve its Needy Saints BENEVOLENCE Local Church (elders) Local Church (elders) Acts 2:44-45; 4:34-37 Acts 6:1-6 $ 6

7 Local Church is Sufficient Relieve its Needy Saints C C $ $ $ BENEVOLENCE C Local Church (elders) Local Church (elders) Acts 11:27-30; 1 Cor. 16:1-3 2 Cor. 8:1-4, 13-15; 9:1, Rom. 15:25-27 $ 7

8 Local Church is not Sufficient! RelieveNeedy C C $ $ $ BENEVOLENCE C Need Need INSTITUTION $$ Scripture Please! 8

9 Local Church is not Sufficient! RelieveNeedy C C $ $ $ BENEVOLENCE C Need Need Albuquerque Children’s Home $$ Scripture Please! 9

10 Local Church is not Sufficient! RelieveNeedy C C $ $ $ BENEVOLENCE C Need Need Russian Orphanage $$ Scripture Please! 10

11 Local Church is Sufficient Preach Gospel C C $ $ $ EVANGELISM C Preacher Preacher Acts 13:1-3; Phil. 4: Cor. 11:8 11

12 Local Church is not Sufficient! PreachGospel C C $ $ $ EVANGELISM C Preacher Preacher SponsoringChurch $ Scripture Please! 12

13 Local Church is not Sufficient! PreachGospel C C $ $ $ EVANGELISM C Preachers Preachers Kenya Bible School $ Scripture Please! 13

14 Local Church is not Sufficient! PreachGospel C C $ $ $ EVANGELISM C Preachers Preachers Bible Institute (Honduras) $ Scripture Please! 14

15 Strange Fire (LEVITICUS 10:1-2) No authority…Strange fire…Sin! The local church is sufficient and able to accomplish the work given it by the Lord without adding institutions Hold fast the pattern of sound words, 2 Tim. 1:13 No authority…Strange fire…Sin! The local church is sufficient and able to accomplish the work given it by the Lord without adding institutions Hold fast the pattern of sound words, 2 Tim. 1:13

16 Strange Woman (PROV. 2:16-17) Foreign, immoral and against God’s authorized marriage covenant Bitterness, pain and death, Prov. 5:1-6 Sinful pleasure that robs you of the pleasure God has given you in marriage, Prov. 5:20 (15-19) Foreign, immoral and against God’s authorized marriage covenant Bitterness, pain and death, Prov. 5:1-6 Sinful pleasure that robs you of the pleasure God has given you in marriage, Prov. 5:20 (15-19)

17 Strange Woman (PROV. 2:16-17) God’s commandment protects us from the strange woman, Prov. 6:23-29, 32 God authorizes purity of mind and body, 1 Thess. 4:3-7 God’s judgment is upon those who will not repent, Heb. 13:4 God’s commandment protects us from the strange woman, Prov. 6:23-29, 32 God authorizes purity of mind and body, 1 Thess. 4:3-7 God’s judgment is upon those who will not repent, Heb. 13:4

18 Strange Woman (PROV. 2:16-17) God’s commandment protects us from the strange woman, Prov. 6:23-29 God authorizes purity of mind and body, 1 Thess. 4:3-7 God’s judgment is upon those who will not repent, Heb. 13:4 God’s commandment protects us from the strange woman, Prov. 6:23-29 God authorizes purity of mind and body, 1 Thess. 4:3-7 God’s judgment is upon those who will not repent, Heb. 13:4 “Strange” woman is being accepted today in churches of Christ: - Divorce and Remarriage for any cause - Matt. 5:32; 19:9 (1 Cor. 7:9, 20)

19 Strange Doctrines (HEB. 13:9) Foreign to the apostles’ doctrine (Acts 2:42) Sound doctrine is NT teaching, but… –Strange doctrine turns from God, 2 Jno. 9 –Strange doctrine rejects God’s grace, Gal. 1:6-9 –Strange doctrine does not edify, 1 Tim. 1:3-4 –Strange doctrine is not godliness, 1 Tim. 6:3 Foreign to the apostles’ doctrine (Acts 2:42) Sound doctrine is NT teaching, but… –Strange doctrine turns from God, 2 Jno. 9 –Strange doctrine rejects God’s grace, Gal. 1:6-9 –Strange doctrine does not edify, 1 Tim. 1:3-4 –Strange doctrine is not godliness, 1 Tim. 6:3

20 Strange Doctrines (HEB. 13:9) Foreign to the apostles’ doctrine (Acts 2:42) Sound doctrine is NT teaching, but… –Strange doctrine turns from God, 2 Jno. 9 –Strange doctrine rejects God’s grace, Gal. 1:6-9 –Strange doctrine does not edify, 1 Tim. 1:3-4 –Strange doctrine is not godliness, 1 Tim. 6:3 Foreign to the apostles’ doctrine (Acts 2:42) Sound doctrine is NT teaching, but… –Strange doctrine turns from God, 2 Jno. 9 –Strange doctrine rejects God’s grace, Gal. 1:6-9 –Strange doctrine does not edify, 1 Tim. 1:3-4 –Strange doctrine is not godliness, 1 Tim. 6:3 Following “strange” doctrine is sin! Heb. 13:9 (Eph. 4:14-15)

21 THE APPLICATION It is sin to offer God what He has not commanded (“strange fire”) Institutionalism has not been commanded Therefore, institutionalism is sin It is sin to offer God what He has not commanded (“strange fire”) Institutionalism has not been commanded Therefore, institutionalism is sin

22 THE APPLICATION It is sin to take what God does not authorize (“strange woman”) Adultery is taking an unauthorized woman Therefore, adultery (“strange woman”) is sin It is sin to take what God does not authorize (“strange woman”) Adultery is taking an unauthorized woman Therefore, adultery (“strange woman”) is sin

23 THE APPLICATION It is sin to teach what God’s word does not reveal (“strange doctrine”) False teaching is foreign to God’s word Therefore, false teaching is sin It is sin to teach what God’s word does not reveal (“strange doctrine”) False teaching is foreign to God’s word Therefore, false teaching is sin

24 God’s Word Becomes a “strange thing” when we “refuse knowledge”, Heb. 8:12; 4:6 We must offer God what pleases Him, not what pleases us! We must reject everything that is unauthorized -- it is “strange” to God! Becomes a “strange thing” when we “refuse knowledge”, Heb. 8:12; 4:6 We must offer God what pleases Him, not what pleases us! We must reject everything that is unauthorized -- it is “strange” to God!