Periodic Table How It’s Organized & Trends Goal 6A Test Review Periodic Table How It’s Organized & Trends
The father of the Periodic Table is… Mendeleev
Most of the elements on the periodic table are… Metals
Most reactive metal is…
Most reactive nonmetal is…
Name that Family/Group… Halogen
Name that Family/Group… Boron Family
Name that Family/Group… Alkaline Earth
Name that Family/Group… Oxygen Family
Name that Family/Group… Transition Metals
Name that Family/Group… Alkali Metals
Name that Family/Group… Carbon Family
Name that Family/Group… Noble Gas
Which element is the most reactive metal? Ag Au Ca Cu
Which element is the most reactive nonmetal? Si Br C O
Which element is the most reactive metal? Na Cr Mg Mn
What are Valence Electrons? The electrons on the outer most shell
How many valence electrons does Carbon have? 4
The rows of the periodic table are called the…
The columns of the periodic table are called the… Families/Groups
Maximum amount of electrons on 2nd energy shell… 8
Why are noble gases called inert? Outer energy shell is full.
Name the 8 metalloids B, SI, Ge, As, Sb, Te, Po, At
Which element has the largest radius? Mg, Y, Cs
Which element has the smallest radius? Hg Ru W
Which element is a Halogen? P Si Br Mg
Which element is an Alkali? P Si Br Na
Which element is a Transition Metal? Cr Si Br Mg
Which element is an inert gas? Cl He H Mg
Which of the following is a nonmetal? H Co Sn Bi
Write the following elements in order from least reactive to most reactive: Fe Cu Ba Lu Lu Cu Fe Ba
Which electrons are used during a chemical reaction? Valence
The row number of the periodic table tells you the number of… Energy shells
Which two elements are most alike? Mg O Li Ca Mg Ca
Which elements have the same valence number? Cl He F Si Cl F
Fill in the following numbers for the element listed below +p 26 Iron-58 n 58-26 = 32 -e 26
Fill in the following numbers for the element listed below +p 5 Boron-14 n 14-5 = 9 -e 5