TWO FAMOUS MEN OF SCIENCE FICTION: Isaac Asimov George Lucas By Master Yoda ndscifi/wp- content/uploads/2009/07/isaac _asimov_by_davsc.jpg ages/users/uploads/10959/george- lucas.jpg
Isaac Asimov Author of Science Fiction Author of Science Fiction Wrote hundreds of books, short stories, and collections. Wrote hundreds of books, short stories, and collections. Asimov wrote his first 100 books in 19 years; the last 100 were all written in just 5 years! Asimov wrote his first 100 books in 19 years; the last 100 were all written in just 5 years! Born in 1920 in Russia near the Belarus border. Born in 1920 in Russia near the Belarus border. Family moved to USA in 1923 and settled in New York City where his father ran a candy store. Family moved to USA in 1923 and settled in New York City where his father ran a candy store. IEKPpxDYyOJJw2mF5jSVGk*BjXJ2EfpMAWjry -YFFDkX/asimov.jpgdy
Isaac Asimov & Movies I,Robot – the Will Smith movie was originally based on another story. Asimov agreed to give permission to use characters, plots lines, etc from his book in the movie. I,Robot – the Will Smith movie was originally based on another story. Asimov agreed to give permission to use characters, plots lines, etc from his book in the movie. Fantastic Voyage – Asimov wrote the book AFTER the movie was produced. Fantastic Voyage – Asimov wrote the book AFTER the movie was produced. Asimov was the science consultant on MANY Hollywood science fiction movies. Asimov was the science consultant on MANY Hollywood science fiction movies.
“My real education, the superstructure, the details, the true architecture, I got out of the public library. For an impoverished child whose family could not afford to buy books, the library was the open door to wonder and achievement, and I can never be sufficiently grateful that I had the wit to charge through that door and make the most of it." (from I. Asimov, 1994) “I write for the same reason I breathe – because if I didn’t I would die.” “I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them. “ASIMOV
George Lucas Movie Producer of Science Fiction Movie Producer of Science Fiction Special Effects genius Special Effects genius Born in Modesto, CA – 1944 Born in Modesto, CA – 1944 Raised on a walnut ranch and father owned a stationary store Raised on a walnut ranch and father owned a stationary store Planned to be a race car driver, but an accident changed those plans. Planned to be a race car driver, but an accident changed those plans. Established Lucas Films in Established Lucas Films in First big hit was American Graffitti in First big hit was American Graffitti in The George Lucas Educational Foundation is devoted to realizing a technology rich educational system. The George Lucas Educational Foundation is devoted to realizing a technology rich educational system.
George Lucas & Star Wars Began writing screenplay for Star Wars in Began writing screenplay for Star Wars in Turned down director’s salary for Star Wars in exchange for 40% box office and merchandising. Turned down director’s salary for Star Wars in exchange for 40% box office and merchandising. Star Wars brought special effects in science fiction to a new level through use of miniaturization. Star Wars brought special effects in science fiction to a new level through use of miniaturization. Broke current box office records. Broke current box office records.
LUCAS You have to find something that you love enough to be able to take risks, jump over the hurdles and break through the brick walls that are always going to be placed in front of you. If you don't have that kind of feeling for what it is you are doing, you'll stop at the first giant hurdle.” “I thought it [Star Wars] was too wacky for the general public.” What would normally cost $20 million- $30 million we can do for $1 million.”
Similarities Both involved with science fiction Both involved with science fiction Both involved with movies Both involved with movies Both came from rather humble beginnings. Both came from rather humble beginnings.
Differences ASIMOV:LUCAS: 1. Born in Russia.1. Born in U.S.A. 2.Father owned a candy 2. Father owned a stationary 3. Mostly famous as a 3. Mostly famous as a movie writerproducer.
Lucas Considers Asimov George Lucas would consider Isaac Asimov a great source of material for screenplays about the future and science fiction in general. George Lucas would consider Isaac Asimov a great source of material for screenplays about the future and science fiction in general. Lucas would have great respect for Asimov as a student of literature and as a writer. Lucas would have great respect for Asimov as a student of literature and as a writer.
Asimov Reflects on Lucas Asimov would be thrilled to have a filmmaker of Lucas’ caliber put his books to the big screen. Asimov would be thrilled to have a filmmaker of Lucas’ caliber put his books to the big screen. Asimov would appreciate Lucas’ use of computers and technology in movie production. Asimov would appreciate Lucas’ use of computers and technology in movie production.
What I Learned…. George Lucas made a wise decision to forgo the director’s salary in lieu of Star Wars box office receipts – he is a wealthy man! George Lucas made a wise decision to forgo the director’s salary in lieu of Star Wars box office receipts – he is a wealthy man! Asimov was incredibly prolific as a writer in his last 5 years – 100 books! Asimov was incredibly prolific as a writer in his last 5 years – 100 books!
Citations Seiler, Edward. “Isaac Asimov Home Page”. No copyright given Seiler, Edward. “Isaac Asimov Home Page”. No copyright given Seiler, Edward & Jenkins, John. “Frequently Asked Questions About Asimov”. 29 Sept Seiler, Edward & Jenkins, John. “Frequently Asked Questions About Asimov”. 29 Sept Liukkonen, Petri & Pesonen, Ari. “Isaac Asimov”. Liukkonen, Petri & Pesonen, Ari. “Isaac Asimov”. No author given. “Quotations by Author“. The Quotations Page No author given. “Quotations by Author“. The Quotations Page Varma, Sujit. “Biography for George Lucas”. Internet Movie Database Varma, Sujit. “Biography for George Lucas”. Internet Movie Database No author given. “George Lucas”. 15 Dec No author given. “George Lucas”. 15 Dec No author given. “George Lucas quotes”. No author given. “George Lucas quotes”.