Country or continent adjectivepeople singular people in general AfricaAfricanan Africanthe Africans AmericaAmericanan American the Americans AsiaAsianan Asianthe Asians AustraliaAustralianan Australian the Australians BelgiumBelgiana Belgianthe Belgians BrazilBraziliana Brazilianthe Brazilians EuropeEuropeana Europeanthe Europeans
Country or continent adjectivepeople singularpeople in general EgyptEgyptianan Egyptianthe Egyptians GermanyGermana Germanthe Germans HungaryHungariana Hungarianthe Hungarians IndiaIndianan Indianthe Indians ItalyItalianan Italianthe Italians NorwayNorwegiana Norwegian the Norwegians RussiaRussiana Russianthe Russians
Country or continent adjectivepeople singularpeople in general ChinaChinesea Chinesethe Chinese JapanJapanesea Japanesethe Japanese PortugalPortuguesea Portuguesethe Portuguese VietnamVietnamesea Vietnamesethe Vietnamese SudanSudanesea Sudanesethe Sudanese
Country or continent adjectivepeople singularpeople in general IraqIraqian Iraqithe Iraqis IsraelIsraelian Israelithe Israelis PakistanPakistania Pakistanithe Pakistanis
Country or continent adjectivepeople singularpeople in general BritainBritisha Briton/ Britisher the British DenmarkDanisha Danethe Danes FinlandFinnisha Finnthe Finns PolandPolisha Polethe Poles ScotlandScottisha Scotthe Scots SpainSpanisha Spaniardthe Spaniards/ the Spanish TurkeyTurkisha Turkthe Turks
Country or continent adjectivepeople singularpeople in general EnglandEnglishan English(wo)man the English FranceFrencha French(wo)man the French HollandDutcha Dutch(wo)man the Dutchmen IrelandIrishan Irish(wo)manthe Irish WalesWelsha Welsh(wo)man The Welsh
Country or continent adjectivepeople singularpeople in general Czechoslov akia Czecha Czechthe Czechs GreeceGreeka Greekthe Greek SwitzerlandSwissa Swissthe Swiss