Latesha Franklin
Many people are born with Genetic Disorders. Genetic Disorders can affect different parts of the body. Genes are passed down from parent to child INTRODUCTION
Heredity is the passing of genes from parent to child. Genes control traits and many other things. And extra DNA copy may disrupt the normal function of a gene. UNDERSTANDING GENETIC DISORDERS
Some people can be born with extra fingers or toes. Down syndrome is a disease that many people have. Some people are conjoined in the womb and don’t survive for that long. UNDERSTANDING GENETIC DISORDERS
People inherit genes that make cancer more likely. A person habits can increase the chances of them becoming sick. Smoking increases the chances of becoming ill. LEARNING MORE ABOUT DISORDERS
People living in windy cities might breathe dust. Humans have 46 chromosomes. Scientists use gene mapping to learn more about genetic disorders. BECOMING ILL