Direct Selling
BUSINESS PLAN In business, timing is everything. CARE INDIA is the perfect convergence of opportunity and industry, which means you are truly at the right place at the right time! Never before has it been possible to so quick and so easily launch your very own business marketing an incredible portfolio of services that the majority of households need every single day.
OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME BUSINESS PLAN OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME In business, timing is everything. CARE INDIA is the perfect convergence of opportunity and industry, which means you are truly at the right place at the right time! Never before has it been possible to so quick and so easily launch your very own business marketing an incredible portfolio of services that the majority of households need every single day. As a Care India distributor, you have the ability to market a variety of products and services. Your level of success will depend on your personal efforts, which is why we provide you with a wide range of support and training. RETAIL MARGIN: UPTO 20% OF MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE When you buy the product at Distributor Price, (D.P.) and you sell it at Maximum Retail Price (MRP) and you make the difference. The Price Differential is the Retail Margin that you make on all your product sales, you can enjoy this discount when you use the product personally and when you recommend the product others to use. Product Max. Retail Price Distributor Price Retail Margin Aloe Ras Rs.280 Rs.224 Rs.56
Business Volume B.V. (Equal to the D.P. of Products minus taxes) BUSINESS PLAN PERFORMANCE BONUS When you and all people in your team or Personal Group, including customers, generate a Business Volume (B.V.) of product sales every month, you earn a monthly bonus on the sales of products. Each product carries a fixed BV, which is the basis of computation of your group performance bonus. However, computation of your income is based on your current month BV earned by you (personal BV) and your down-lines (Personal GBV) Level Business Volume B.V. (Equal to the D.P. of Products minus taxes) Point Value (P.V). Commission on Business volume Distributor 4500 300 5% 15000 1000 9% 30000 2000 12% Junior Star 75000 5000 16% Star 120000 8000 20%
Calculation Of Performance Bonu BUSINESS PLAN Example :1 Suppose you started the business with 300 PV and Sponsored 03 persons as a distributor (individually with 300 PV), calculation of performance bonus will be as follows. Calculation Of Performance Bonu Own Purchase (U) : 4,500 BV Purchase of A : 4,500 BV Purchase of B : 4,500 BV Purchase of C : 4,500 BV Total Business Volume = 18,000 BV U A B C Net Performance Bonus Bonus of total Group : 18,000 × 12% = 2,160 Bonus of total Distributor A : 4,500 × 5% = 225 Bonus of total Distributor B : 4,500 × 5% = 225 Bonus of total Distributor C : 4,500 × 5% = 225 Net Performance Bonus (u) =1,485
Bonus of total Group : 1,20,000 × 20% = 24,000 BUSINESS PLAN Example :2 Suppose You sponsored 3 person as a distributor (A,B,C) & subsequently (A,×B,C) also have sponsored distributors down the line Calculation Of Performance Bonus U Own Purchase (U): 37,500 BV Purchase of A : 30,000 BV Purchase of B : 30,000 BV Purchase of C : 22,500 BV A B C Total Business Volume = 1,20,000 BV A B C Bonus of total Group : 1,20,000 × 20% = 24,000 Bonus of total Distributor A : 30,000 × 12% = 3,600 Bonus of total Distributor B : 30,000 × 12% = 3,600 Bonus of total Distributor C : 22,500 × 12% = 2,700 A B C A B C Net Performance Bonus (u) = 14,100
RECOGNITION & LEADERSHIP BONUS BUSINESS PLAN RECOGNITION & LEADERSHIP BONUS Increase your income by helping your own team. As a Leaders of Leaders, you serve as a coach and mentor, to empower your team members— which, in return, reward you. SILVER : The Silver is a qualified Star who has maintains 6000 Group (P.V.) from other legs. As Silver, you will get 4 % from your group business volume: 4 % extra of Star & other legs Business Volume. GOLD : The Gold is a qualified Silver who has maintain One Silver Leg &12000 Group (P.V.) from Other Legs. As Gold, you will get up to 5 % from your group business volume: 1 % extra of Silver Business Volume. 5 % extra of other legs Business Volume. PLATINUM : The Platinum is a qualified Gold who has maintain One Gold Leg & 20000 Group (P.V.) from other legs. As Platinum, you will get up to 6% from your business volume:
2 % extra of Silver Business Volume. BUSINESS PLAN 2 % extra of Silver Business Volume. 1 % extra of Gold Business Volume. 6 % extra of other legs business Volume. EMERALD : The Emerald is a qualified Platinum who has maintain One Platinum Leg & 25000 (P.V.) from other legs. As an Emerald, you will get up to 7% from your business volume: 3 % extra of Silver Business Volume. 2 % extra of Gold Business Volume. 1 % extra of Platinum Business Volume. 7 % of other legs Business Volume. Diamond : The Diamond is a qualified Emerald who has maintain Two Emerald Legs & 50000 Group P.V. from other legs. 2% of Company’s monthly total business volume is distributed amongst all Diamonds As a royalty income.
BUSINESS PLAN POINT SHARING METHOD Care India awards some generous incomes through points sharing method for different types of Income. As per table given below we distributes Travel Fund, Car Fund & House Fund (Monthly) Profit Sharing Bonus (Yearly) Status Single Leg GPV Other Legs GPV Additional GPV From all Legs Point Distributor 500 1 Silver 1000 Gold 2000 Platinum 3000 Emerald 5000 Diamond 10000 When a distributor achieves the above level, His/her will get additional 01 point for every Next GPV from other legs as per shown in table.
Travel Fund REWARDS & LEADERSHIP BONUS BUSINESS PLAN REWARDS & LEADERSHIP BONUS Travel Fund Care India provides 3% of company’s monthly B.V. as a Travel Fund by the “Point Sharing Method” points earned by the Qualifiers. Travel Fund worth per point will change every month and is score monthly as per formula. 3% of total company monthly BV = T.F. Point Value. Total Car Fund Points collected Nationally
Car Fund 4% of total company monthly BV = C.F. Point Value. BUSINESS PLAN Car Fund Care India provides a 4% of company’s monthly B.V. as a Car Fund by the “Point Sharing Method” points earned by the Qualifiers. Car Fund worth per point will change every month and is score monthly as per formula given below. 4% of total company monthly BV = C.F. Point Value. Total Car Fund Points collected Nationally
House Fund 3% of total company monthly BV = H.F. Point Value. BUSINESS PLAN House Fund Care India provides a 3% of company’s monthly B.V. as a House Fund by the “Point Sharing Method” points earned by the Qualifiers. House Fund worth per point will change every month and is score monthly as per formula given below. 3% of total company monthly BV = H.F. Point Value. Total House Fund Points collected Nationally
Profit Sharing 1% of total company monthly BV = P.S. Point Value. BUSINESS PLAN Profit Sharing Care India awards for a generous 1% from its annual total Business Volume as profit sharing incentive among Diamonds. Profit Sharing: Care India provides a 1% of company’s annually. B.V. as a Profit Sharing by the “Point Sharing Method” points earned by the Qualifiers. Profit Sharing worth per point will change score annually as per formula given below. 1% of total company monthly BV = P.S. Point Value. Total Profit Sharing Points collected Nationally