Teaching Social Skills Interventions to teach children how to socialize: Grades K-12.
Reframing Problem Behavior Behaviors are used to get needs met They are using it to join or avoid activities, obtain or avoid attention, obtain objects Use interventions to teach children socially conventional ways to address their needs
Important First Step Begin all interventions with responsive caregiving that helps the student create a positive sense of self. Focus on your relationship with the student and their family.
How to Teach Social Skills Explain a new skill Demonstrate the skill Give positive feedback Provide opportunities to practice Goal: For the skill to become generalized
Elementary Interventions Ways to teach social skills to elementary school children
Types of Skills to Teach Following rules, routines and directions Identifying feelings in oneself and others Controlling anger and impulses Problem solving Suggesting activities to peers Sharing materials Taking turns Helping adults and peers Giving compliments Understanding how and when to apologize Expressing empathy with others’ feelings Recognizing that anger can interfere with problem solving Learning to recognize anger in oneself and others Learning how to calm down Understanding appropriate ways to express anger
Ways to Teach Social Skills Teacher Modeling Peer partners Use children’s literature or videos Specific encouragement Incidental teaching: using a natural interaction to practice the skill
Peer Modeling Videos e.com/channel/U CPpNVQ8ZKZXpTJ3 CuLaDLGg e.com/channel/U CPpNVQ8ZKZXpTJ3 CuLaDLGg Aimee Bastin from Fishers Elementary School Created a video project for Special Ed students to learn social skills
Middle School Interventions Ways to teach social skills to middle school children
Types of Skills to Teach All elementary skills listed before Checking one’s own understanding Eye contact Keeping remarks at an appropriate length Building on others’ comments and ideas Staying on topic Respecting time limits Responding to constructive criticism
Ways to Teach Social Skills Teacher Modeling Peer partners Incidental teaching: using a natural interaction to practice the skill Social skills autopsies: after problem behavior occurs, discuss what happened and why Multimedia instruction
Social Stories e.com/watch?v=d 6JMteuSS40 e.com/watch?v=d 6JMteuSS40 Describes a situation where a child will have to use a specific behavior and shows common responses or social cues. Always framed positively.
High School Interventions Ways to teach social skills to high school children
Types of Skills to Teach All elementary/middle school skills Healthy peer and romantic relationships Self confidence Self assertiveness Self efficacy
Ways to Teach Social Skills Focus on transitioning Use reinforcement sparingly Work-based training opportunities Encourage them to participate in after school programs (ones without tryouts) Journal writing
Demonstration Activity! Using children’s books to teach social skills “Little Raccoon Learns to Share”