CAVE PAINTINGS: ALTAMIRA “Cappella Sistina” Cappella Sistina
Who discovered/discover the cave of Altamira? In Summer in 1879 an anthropologist and his 8 years old daughter were/are exploring an area in SANTILLANA DEL MAR (CANTABRIA).
Where is Altamira caves? And when were/are they painted? Paleolithic period ( BC)
What happened/happens? They saw/see a crevice in a cave and they came/come. Suddenly, they discovered/discover the paintings.
Which colours did/do people use? Ochre, red and black mineral pigments mixed with animals fat and outlined in charcoal
Protection People’s breaths (Carbon Dioxid) destroyed/destroy the paintings
Which animals can you see? In the ceiling and walls there are nearly a hundred of animals and signs, especially bisons in different postures (21), with other animals; for example deers, horses and bulls.
Which techniques did/do people use? different techniques were/are engraving, print, Scraping using stones.