Unit 32 - Bulbs
Terms: Bulbs Corms Tubers Rhizomes
Use of Bulbs: In Landscape – Massing Wooded Areas Rock Gardens Evergreen Shrubs Cut Flowers
Selecting and Preparing Soils: Well Drained Loam Soil Add Sphagnum moss, leaf mold, compost Neutral PH 7.0 Fertilize w/5-10-5
Planting Bulbs: (See Chart) Fall: Crocus Daffodils Hyacinths Tulips Spring: Dahlia Gladiolus Amaryllis
Fertilizing Bulbs: Fertilize when you plant the bulbs: Use 5-10-5 NPK Cover with soil and dig in fertilizer Add Bone Meal Add fertilizer Liquid fertilizer is the best – use after they start to come up
Care after flowering: Dig bulbs after flowering and foliage turns yellow and dies Dig bulbs after 1st frost Remove soil from bulbs – store in sawdust 50 degrees
Bulb Pest and Diseases: Use cultural control – weed Use Biological control – insects Use Chemical control – sprays
Forcing Bulbs: Pot outside w/straw or bark 40- 50 degrees/cold area Bring bulbs into Greenhouse last 4 weeks
Summary: Plant at correct depths Plant in well-drained soil Provide protection from rodents Follow directions on bulbs planting instructions in your area.
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