AGRICULTURAL SCENARIO IN TAMILNADU 56% of the population engaged in Agriculture State Agriculture income accounts for 13% of the Net Domestic Product of the State. Total land holding is 81.93 Lakh Nos. 91% of the total holdings are with marginal and small farmers. Gross area sown -55.72 lakh Ha.,Net area sown-48.92 L. Ha. About 58% of the area is under irrigated condition;42% under Rainfed Cultivation. Annual Average rainfall is 930.7 mm. (All India- 1195 mm) Rainfall during 2010-11 – 1127.1 mm. Season and Crop Report: Department of Economics and Statistics, Tamil Nadu
SOURCE WISE AREA IRRIGATED 4/20/2017 4:00 AM SOURCE WISE AREA IRRIGATED Net Area irrigated : 28.64 L. Ha. ( 58.5%) Net Area sown : 48.92 L.Ha. 3 © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
AREA, PRODUCTION AND PRODUCTIVITY – LAST 5 YEARS Unit : Lakh. Ha. Crop 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Rice 20.50 19.31 17.89 19.32 18.45 20.16 Millets 7.41 6.98 6.99 7.24 6.53 8.00 Pulses 5.25 5.37 6.09 5.36 5.35 8.32 Total Food grains 33.16 31.66 30.97 31.92 30.33 36.48 Production Unit : Lakh. MT. Crop 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Rice 52.10 66.11 50.40 51.83 56.65 62.53 Millets 7.30 13.62 13.57 17.51 16.42 19.15 Pulses 1.77 2.91 1.85 1.67 2.04 3.67 Total Food grains 61.17 82.64 65.82 71.01 75.11 85.35 Productivity Unit : Kg./Ha. Crop 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Rice 2541 3423 2817 2682 3070 3102 Millets 985 1950 1942 2419 2515 2394 Pulses 337 541 303 312 381 441 Source : SASA reports
RESULTS OF CROP CUTTING EXPERIMENTS 2010-11 No. of experiments conducted Area (L.Ha.) Production (L.MT) Productivity (Kg. / Ha.) Rice 1814 20.16 62.53 3102 Millets 1274 8.00 19.15 2394 Pulses 788 8.32 3.67 441 Total Foodgrains 36.48 85.35 Oilseeds 1326 5.35 11.30 2112 Cotton 538 1.21 2.46 346 Sugarcane 3.36 346.28 103
PROCUREMENT OF FOODGRAINS FOR 2010-11 PERIOD QUANTITY (MT) April 2010 to March 2011 (Actual) 22,69,616 April 2011 to June 2011 (Anticipated) 3,16,000 TOTAL 25,85,616 Paddy – Procured by Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation Pulses and Oilseeds - Not procured by Tamil Nadu Government Source- Cooperation, Food & Consumer Protection Department, Tamil Nadu
CENTRALLY SPONSORED SCHEME OVER VIEW SINCE 2007-08 (Rs. in Lakhs) Schemes 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Sanctioned Achievement RKVY 18311.760 14474.790 14474.79 12790.000 11924.225 22532.770 14538.604 Scheme implementation commenced since 2007-08 in10 departments. Extended to 12 departments in 2010-11. Strategic projects aiming to result in overall growth rate of 4%. Major share of the allocation for Improvement in infrastructure Automatic Weather Stations Agri-Clinics Vermicompost Strengthening State Farms e-Governance Construction of Godowns Machineries & Equipments
CENTRALLY SPONSORED SCHEME OVER VIEW SINCE 2007-08 (Rs. in Lakhs) Schemes 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Sanctioned Achievement MMA 7055.550 7000.457 3844.440 3835.541 3319.480 3319.498 5119.989 5090.252 At commencement in 2000, 27 schemes were implemented and reduced to 17 schemes in 2006-07 at all India level In Tamil Nadu 8 schemes implemented till 2006-07 with higher allocation. Reduced to 4 schemes during 2010-11 ICDP – Rice, NWDPRA, Farm Mechanization & River Valley However 14 Crores additionally allotted exclusively for farm mechanization during 2010-11 Would be merged with RKVY from 2012-13
CENTRALLY SPONSORED SCHEME OVERVIEW SINCE 2007-08 (Rs. in Lakhs) Schemes 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Sanctioned Achievement NFSM 1255.550 141.404 4732.352 2958.035 4461.352 3678.515 4133.523 3250.419 2007-08 Funds received only October 2007 – Utility only 11% 2008-09 & 2009-10 Popularizing SRI through distribution of Conoweeder and marker and improved farm machineries 2010-11 Funds restricted to Rs.30.83 Crores Achievement Rs.32.50 Crores Activities restricted to allocation (Rs. in Lakhs)
CENTRALLY SPONSORED SCHEME OVER VIEW SINCE 2007-08 (Rs. in Lakhs) Schemes 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Sanctioned Achievement ATMA 754.590 754.59 1406.980 1236.930 2856.388 1694.140 Inception 2005-06 in 9 districts. Extended to all other districts in 2007-08. More involvement of farmers as bottom up level of planning is done. Demand from Public-Private-Partnership are increasing. In 2010-11, released allocation fully utilized 2nd release of Rs.1162.248 Lakhs received at fag end of the year.
STATE SCHEMES OVER VIEW SINCE 2007-08 (Rs. in Lakhs) Schemes 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Sanctioned Achievement State Schemes 9305.700 8258.395 8362.999 7667.066 41082.100 40060.602 12478.713 12303.322 Playing a major role in Production & Distribution of Certified Seeds viz. Paddy, Millets, Pulses and Oilseeds. Production & Distributions of Micro Nutrient Mixtures, Bio- Fertilizers. Infrastructure facilities to Seed, Soil, Fertilizer, Pesticide Testing Laboratories for the distribution of quality inputs. Extending 50% subsidy on the premium of National Agricultural Insurance Scheme.
SCHEME IMPLEMENTATION EFFICIENCY Highest Foodgrains production of 85.35 L.MT. over the last 5 years. 20 % enhanced Foodgrains coverage in 2010-11 (36.48 Lakh Ha.) over 2009-10 (30.33 Lakh Ha.) Production of Rice during 2010-11 (62.53 LMT) next to 2006-07 (66.11 LMT) Pulses Production enhanced from 2.91 LMT in 2006-07 to 3.67 LMT in 2010-11 through Area expansion 2.8 Lakh Ha. Quality Seed Production & distribution Demonstrations (Cluster Approach) Popularization of Micro Irrigation- rain gun, sprinker. Tamil Nadu received Best performing State Award for NFSM Pulses based on cumulative performance of 2007-08 and 2008-09 All time high Millets production of 19.15 LMT in 2010-11 Maize Area enhanced from 0.81 Lakh Ha. (2000-01) to 3.10 Lakh Ha. (2010-11) mainly due to- Improved Market Linkages Precision Farming Micro Irrigation Dry Land Technologies
NEW INNOVATIONS / INITIATIVES System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Proven yield 6 - 8 MT / Ha. Area coverage SRI Coverage Total paddy Coverage SRI % 2007-08 : 4.209 Lakh Ha. 17.89 Lakh Ha. 24 2009-10 : 7.750 Lakh Ha. 19.32 Lakh Ha. 40 2010-11 : 8.499 Lakh Ha. 18.45 Lakh Ha. 46 Precision Farming Maize Yield (In Coverage Area) Before PF : 4700 Kg. / Ha. After PF : 7400 Kg./ Ha. (65% increase) State Average Yield : 4309 Kg./Ha. (2010-11) Special Task Force - Pulse Production Revised Price Policy Cost of production or Local Market Rate whichever is higher for procurement Enhanced Pulses Production & Distribution subsidy A3P implementation resulted in increased Redgram area from 0.26 Lakh Ha.(2009-10) to 0.60 Lakh Ha. (2010-11)
NEW INNOVATIONS / INITIATIVES- continued.. Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) 224 AWS installed to communicate medium range weather forecast . Data utilized for Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme. Balance 73 Automatic Weather Stations being established and balance 88 would be established in due course of time. Agri-Clinic cum Mini Soil Testing Laboratory Unemployed Professional Graduates and Diploma Holders employed All agricultural inputs at one-stop shop. Extension Advisory Services provided to farmers Analysis of Soil / Water samples Custom-Hiring of Machineries
NEW INNOVATIONS / INITIATIVES- continued.. Agricultural Information Service Network (AGRISNET) Application software on seeds, fertilizers, soil health, yield monitoring, schemes and farmers data base Online connectivity upto block level for delivery of information to farmers 23 lakh farmers bio-data generated TNAU Agritech portal Knowledge provider for field functionaries and farmers National Award (Gold) for e-Governence for Agriculture
CROP INSURANCE SCHEMES IMPLEMENTED IN TAIMIL NADU National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) Implemented from Kharif 2000 onwards All the districts covered All the crops covered and notified at Firka Level Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS) Implemented from Kharif 2011 onwards 3 districts on pilot basis Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) Implemented from Kharif 2008 onwards in 8 districts and now extended to 11 districts Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS) Implemented from 2010-11 in 11 districts on Pilot basis
INTER-DEPARTMENTAL CO-ORDINATION POWER Extending free supply of Electricity to farmers for Agriculture Purpose Grant-in-aid Rs.287 crores released by government to Tamil Nadu Electricity Board in 2010-11 IRRIGATION 15 major Reservoirs in the State Mettur Dam irrigating 8 delta districts Release of water jointly decided by Agriculture department, PWD and Farmers Association FERTILIZERS Rake allotment to Railway by Government of India DEPARTMENT OF COOPERATIVES Allotment of Fertilizers to IFFCO and KRIBHCO through TANFED. 50 % GOI allocation of DAP to State by TANFED CREDIT 18% of credit to Agriculture through Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks Meeting the timely need of finance for various farm operations Distribution of critical inputs while disbursement of crop loan Monthly district consultative committee meeting and quarterly state level bankers committee
Strategies to increase the production of rice crop FUTURE PROSPECTS PADDY Strategies to increase the production of rice crop Increasing the productivity per unit of area and cropping intensity Promoting Integrated Pest Management Approach. Adoption of SRI cultivation (9.0 lakh ha. during 2011-12). Line sowing in upland rice areas. Encouraging cultivation of hybrid rice through demonstrations Use of machines , bullock drawn and hand operated implements. Promoting cultivation of High Yielding / drought tolerant varieties / salt tolerant varieties Bio-fertilizer such as Blue-Green Algae, Azosprillum, Azotobacter Azolla and phospho-bacteria Cultivation of CR 1009 and ADT 44 in shallow low land area of Thanjavur & Nagapattinam districts Non-monetary inputs like timely sowing, maintaining optimum plant population, timely irrigation, efficient Emphasis on cropping system approach rather than single crop development approach Use of balanced application of fertilizers, need based plant protection Improving soil fertility by inclusion of leguminous crops in the crop rotations or as mixed crop. Protection measures and timely harvesting of crop. Encouraging balanced use of plant nutrients and soil ameliorants Attractive Market Price and Insurance coverage Propagation of location specific crop Extending interest free credit
FUTURE PROSPECTS PULSES Bringing more area under cultivation DAP Foliar spray twice Increasing the area under irrigated pulses Pulses Nutrient tonic Seed treatment with Rhizobium / Trichodema Viridi Raingun / Mobile sprinkler irrigation Cultivating high yielding pest and yellow mosaic varieties. Cluster approach in larger area Maintaining plant population Attractive market price Weed Management Procuring grain pulses at fair price at farm gate itself Balanced application of fertilizers Insurance coverage Enrichment of soil health through organic manure Extending interest free credit
FUTURE PROSPECTS MILLETS Bringing more area under irrigated condition Raising area under cluster approach Expansion of area by bringing cultivation of fallow land Extending Precision Farming / Micro Irrigation Increasing the Hybrid seed usage Weed Management, scaring of birds Seed treatment with azospirillum/fungicides. Mechanized intercultural operations with power weeder Line sowing through seed drill Adopting INM and IPM practices Providing assured market with attractive price Balanced application of fertilizers Insurance coverage Application of Micro Nutrient Mixture Extending interest free credit
WEIGHTAGE CARD Sl. No Parameters Observation Weightage 1. Highest production of the state exceeding previous highest production The State has produced 85.350 lakh Metric tonnes of food grains during 2010-11 which is higher than the previous highest production of 82.64 lakh metric tonnes obtained during 2006-07. 30 points Contribution of the State to total production in the country The total food grain production of the country during 2010-11 is 235.88 million tonnes. The State has produced 8.535 million tonnes of food grains during the current year which accounts to 3.6% of the Nation's food production. 5 points 2 Contribution of the State to total procurement of the Country April 2010 to March 2011 (Actual ) : 22,68,616 MT April 2011 to June 2011 (anticipated): 3,16,000 MT Total : 25,85,616 MT
WEIGHTAGE CARD Post filled 51 27 381 Nil Achievement % Less than 50 Sl. No Parameters Observation Weightage Rs in crores 3 Expenditure incurred under Food grain development schemes Scheme Allocation Achievement % RKVY 225.33 145.385 65 10 points MMA 46.080 45.810 99 NFSM 30.827 32.504 105 ATMA 14.930 100 Total 317.167 238.629 75 4 Human resources at the level of state/ districts including contractual positions approved (NFSM and ATMA) Sanctioned Post Post filled NIL 51 27 381 Nil Achievement % Less than 50 5. Significant initiatives taken in achieving record production of food grains -System of Rice intensification -Accelerated pulses production programme -Precision farming -Perspective Block Action Plan for 2010-11 identifying yield gap between potential & average yield -Agrisnet-bagged national gold award for best implementation during 2010-11 -Establishment of Agriclinics -Delivering medium range forecast to farmers through Automatic weather station - National Agricultural Insurance Scheme