Welcome to Marnel Infant School Miss Susan Cox Headteacher
Introductions Year R Class Teachers Miss McCrae Year R Lead (Assistant Head) Miss McNeill Miss Langdon Miss Hockley Miss Wheaton – Deputy Head Teacher Mrs Rebecca Fuller – Chair of Governors Mrs Danielle Owens – Headteacher of the Juniors
What will you find out today? Welcome pack Your child’s first days in school Taster sessions Open afternoon The answers to your questions!
Welcome Pack Things you need to know… Things we need to know…
Things you need to know:
How will I find out what I need to know…? Website Teacher/Teaching Assistant School Office Me! Mrs Andy Bezant – Home School Link Manager
We would like the children to be able to… Toilet Wash and dry hands Shoes Coats Dress and undress for PE Dinners – use knife and fork Packed lunch – undo their own lunchbox
PE Kit PE bag No back packs Named
Please help us by… Naming all items of clothing ! No back packs please No toys
Homework Phonics Words Numbers Reading Spelling – Year 1 onwards Curriculum Evenings
School Rules 4 Simple Rules – We are kind. We listen. We look after our school. We always try our best.
Rewards Star cards Stickers Star sticker Star of the Day Child of the day (Twiggle) Celebration assembly
Rewards and Sanctions We believe that all children want to be good! Star system: Warning - name off the star Name onto the timer = 5 minutes off the next free choice session Continue = time out in another classroom Persistent issues = meeting with parents
Progress Teacher/parent after school – ‘open door policy’ Outcomes Learning Journeys - weekly Parents’ Consultation Evenings Report
What we need to know from you
Data Collection Sheet
Consent Form
Others… Medical form Teachers2parents Website permissions Pupil Premium Calpol Breakfast club and after school club
Taster Sessions
Taster Sessions Familiarisation with the classrooms and playgrounds Dates Sticker your child! Collect on time
First Days
First Days Settling in time Staggered entry Classroom door Activities
Lunchtimes School dinners! Menu Packed lunches Zones
Morning Snacks Milk Fruit
Which class? Talk to pre-schools Use taster sessions Boys, girls, ages When will you know? Meet the teachers Home visits
Teachers Miss McCrae Miss Langdon
Teachers Miss McNeill Miss Hockley
Teaching Assistants
And now for the legal bits . . . Illness and notifying school Medicines in school Special medical or dietary requirements Head lice School Nurse Leave of Absence in Term Time Parking School Grounds
And finally . . . We’ll see you soon… Please return your forms… Thank you!