General Membership Meeting September 19, 2013
Welcome & Call to Order Board and Committee Leaders Membership Volunteer Announcements Events at a Glance Stay Connected/Show your spirit Fundraising Budget
PresidentDania Higgins VP FundraisingSharon Fondren VP MembershipDave Hertzbach VP VolunteersApril Owens SecretaryClair Kollar TreasurerKaren Stack Member At LargeStephanie Kolski
Back to PoolAmy Sidorovich WebmasterDave Hertzbach Green LeaderChristine Allred Appreciation Days Davia Montanez Spirit Wear/GearCaitlyn Szymendera Spirit NightColin Wathen Box TopsBarbara Clark Turkey TrotApril Owens Holiday ShopSharon Fondren Silent AuctionApril and Colin Wathen Shamrock HopDavia Montanez YearbookPaula Ross PhotographerPaula Ross and Yoko Tin
PTO membership is FREE. We want to build our school community and encourage everyone to join in to support our teachers, staff and students. New this year is an online, password-protected membership directory. Please join online at If you registered in a previous year, you will still need to register this year.
Without volunteers we would not be a successful organization! We are looking for volunteers to help with our fall events: Box Tops, Turkey Trot, the Holiday Shop, and the Holiday Night. We still need committee chairs for: Spirit Weeks, 5 th Grade Celebration and the Foreign Language Program. Contact April Owens at to be placed on the volunteer list Contact April Owens at to be placed on the volunteer list
Sept 4-Oct 4 Fall Box Top/Labels collection September 19 Back To School/General Mtg September 23 Spirit Wear Orders due Oct TBD Staff Luncheon Oct 21-25Spirit Week October 25School Fall Festival November 4 Spirit Night Chick-Fil-A November 2310:00-12:00 Turkey Trot Nov and Dec 2-6Holiday Shop December 6 6:00-8:00 Holiday Night
Jan 7- Feb 7Winter Box Top/Labels Collection January 13-17Spirit Week January 13Spirit Night Nicoletti’s January TBDStaff Luncheon January 27General PTO Mtg February 10Spirit Night Chipotle Feb 14-Mar 31 Yearbook orders March 3Spirit Night Chick- Fil-A March 14 Shamrock Hop March 24-28Spirit Week April 7Spirit Night Nicoletti’s Apr 8- May 9 Spring Box Top/Labels Collection April 28 General PTO Mtg May 5-9Teacher Appreciation Week May 12Spirit Night Bruster’s June 2-6 Spirit Week
Please visit our website “Like” us on Facebook: Evergreen Elementary School PTO Register for the PTO each year. We will publish a monthly electronic newsletter. We will have Teacher Wish Lists up on the website by the end of October.
Spirit wear should be delivered by the middle of October. These shirts can be worn any time, but especially on: Friday Spirit Days Special Events in the school Field Trips We have a limited supply of shirts as well as EES Magnets and Tick Keys available for purchase tonight.
Quick and simple ways: The Box Top/Labels collection is going on now through October 4. Collection sheets can be found on the PTO website. Please sign up your store cards (Target, Giant, McKay’s) to give back to EES. We will have information on our website by the middle of October. Bring your family to our events!
PTO Fundraising dollars go right back to EES to support staff and teachers with: ◦ Playground equipment ◦ Tables for the rooftop classroom ◦ A new bike rack ◦ Books ◦ Teacher materials for instruction ◦ Author visits ◦ Celebrations for student achievement
We would like your input on a list of ideas for a school gift(s) from our fundraising this year.
Fundraising Budgeted FY 12-13ActualNet Profit Proposed Budget FY th Grade Celebration$200.00$ $30.00$ Back to Pool$800.00$530.00$1, Box Tops$3,000.00$5,513.07$5,065.32$3, Direct Donations$0.00$56.50 $0.00 Holiday Shop$1,200.00$9,822.91$1,995.01$1, Returned Check fees$0.00$24.00-$24.00$0.00 Spring Fundraiser$2,000.00$0.00 $2, Shamrock Hop/Silent Auction$7,000.00$8,546.27$6,810.69$6, Spirit Nights$2,000.00$2, $2, Spirit Wear/Gear$6,000.00$5, $84.67$2, Turkey Trot$5,500.00$6,025.00$4,498.66$4, Corp Gifts$1,000.00$1, $1, Totals$28,700.00$39,443.45$21,366.57$22, Business Expenses Bank Fees$25.00$0.00$25.00 Charitable Org. Registration$50.00 Office Supplies$500.00$227.57$ Postage$25.00$1.30$25.00 Insurance$575.00$554.00$ Sales Tax$2,000.00$1,287.48$2, Web Hosting$150.00$147.82$ Totals$3,325.00$2,268.17$3,325.00
FundraisingBudgeted FY 12-13ActualNet Profit Proposed Budget FY Program Expenses Hospitality Staff Appreciation$3,500.00$2,318.45$3, Welcome Back Brunch$50.00$0.00$50.00 PTO Thank You Lunch$150.00$768.00$ Volunteer Appreciation$100.00$106.00$ Spirit Days/Team Celebrations$400.00$920.00$1, End of Year Celebration$600.00$361.76$ Green Team$200.00$0.00$ Totals$5,000.00$4,474.21$6, GIFTS What We vote on.$8, Reserve for Kindle Books for School$2, Reserve for future playground$7, Grant for grade levels to split$5, Totals$15,000.00
FundraisingBudgeted FY 12-13ActualNet Profit Proposed Budget FY th Grade Celebration$300.00$255.84$ Back to Pool$300.00$447.75$ Box Tops$250.00$117.96$ Holiday Fun Night$200.00$591.33$ Holiday Shop$0.00$7,827.90$0.00 Shamrock Hop$2,500.00$1,735.58$2, Spirit Wear/Gear$4,500.00$5,731.31$5, Turkey Trot$3,000.00$1,526.34$3, Spring Fundraiser Totals$11,050.00$18,234.01$11, Beginning Balance$31, Add Fundraising$22, Total Income$53, Less Business Expenses$3, Less Hospitality Expenses$6, Less Gifts$8, Less Fundraising Expenses$11, Total Expenses$29, Less savings for past years gifts$12, Ending Balance$11,423.50
Approval Vote for Budget Adjourn
Thank you Student led classroom visits