Thursday, April 16, 2015
Please join us for the 7th annual Baldwin Star Search featuring some of Baldwin County's most talented high school students. It will take place at the Daphne Civic Center on Friday, April 24th from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Foley High School will have Thomas Presley and Marilynn Heaton competing with the other local high school talent. Please come out to support them! Baldwin Star Search is being put on by the Baldwin County Community Alliance (BCCA). (Continued)
(Baldwin Star Search Continued) It is a fun-filled event to demonstrate to Baldwin County students of all ages that you can have a good time without using alcohol or drugs. All students, friends, and families are invited to attend this FREE show! For high school students, you must have your signed alcohol and drug free pledge card to enter.
(Baldwin Star Search Continued) Pledge cards will be available on Thursday and Friday, April 23rd and 24th during all lunch waves. We will have 2 buses taking Foley High students to and from the event. You must have your signed permission slip in order to ride the bus on Friday, April 24th, which will leave at 4:30 p.m. returning by 10:30 p.m. See Mrs. Beverly in the front office for permission slips.
The Womanless Beauty Pageant is Friday during 4 th block. ARE YOU READY? Participants include Coach Walker, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Akins, Mr. Keenan, Coach Hunter, and Mr. Jones. You won’t want to miss seeing them like you have never seen them before! The cost for the event is $2 and ALL proceeds go to the American Cancer Society and help support our local Foley team for our area Relay for Life. Please consider donating to this cause and come witness what is sure to be a memorable afternoon!
Did you participate in the Powder Puff Game? If so, the yearbook staff would like to use your pictures in this year’s edition of the Blue and Gold. If you have pictures to share, see Mrs. Styron in room 803, or you can her at
Were you a member of the bowling team this year? Did you or your parents take any pictures? If so, the yearbook staff wants to feature your pictures. If you have pictures to share, see Mrs. Styron in room 803, or you can her at
Kona Ice will be here on Tuesday. Be sure to go out on your own during your lunch or anytime 4 th block with your teacher.
Attention all AP Freshmen and Sophomores: Are you excited about your field trip to the Hangout? Then you better get your permission form turned in by Friday or you may not be going. Slips are due to Mrs. Goodwin or Mrs. Lores’ before you leave school on Friday! Hurry—it will be a fun trip you won’t want to miss!
If you are interested in applying for The Foley High School Yearbook Staff for the school year, pick up an application from Mrs. Styron in room 803. The application deadline is Friday!
It is time for the Link Crew recruitment! If you will be an upcoming junior or senior and are interested in helping the upcoming freshmen feel a part of Foley High School, pick up an application from Mrs. Lores in the 900 office or Mrs. Beverly in the front office. Applications are due by Friday, May 1st. They need a great group of Link Leaders to welcome our freshmen and conduct Camp Lion Pride this summer!
Attention rising Juniors: Applications are now being taken for the Junior Ambassadors. Junior ambassadors are representatives for the South Baldwin Chamber Foundation. Being a representative involves fun activities and field trips all throughout the year! You will meet new people and gain a world of community involvement experience. (Continued)
(Junior Ambassador Continued) If you are interested in being a part of this great program, applications may be picked up from Ms. Fason in room 810 or Ms. Andersen in room 402. Applications are due by Friday, May 15 th to the Chamber of Commerce office. Applications can be mailed or hand-delivered.
Seniors: Did you attend Elberta Elementary School? Then you are invited to attend their graduate appreciation luncheon on April 30, during 3rd block. Please see Mrs. Harrison or Mrs. K. for a permission slip as all of the teachers and staff at Elberta Elementary would love to see you and congratulate you upon your graduation.
Swift Elementary School would like to invite any senior who attended their school to a luncheon on April 27. If you would like to attend, please see Mrs. Lores before Thursday, April 23 for details.
Seniors: The Rachel Grace Pigott Scholarship is now available in the scholarship box. Competed application deadline with required paperwork is due to Mrs. Lores no later than May 4 th.