Teledyne Analytical Instruments 4/20/2017 4:02 AM TELEDYNE AAQMS Systems TeledyneTech_101199_notes_6mo_3.ppt
Analytical Instruments for AQMS CO – GFC7001E NO2 – 9110E SO2 – 6400E VOC – 4060 Ozone – 400E Particulate Matter (2.5 & 10) – Beta Ray Attenuation Zero Air Generator – 701 Mass Flow Calibrator – 702E DAS – Win collect
O3 Ozone Analyzer – Model 400E The Model 400E photometric ozone analyzer is a microprocessor- controlled analyzer that measures low ranges of ozone in ambient air using a method based on the Beer-Lambert law, an empirical relationship that relates the absorption of light to the properties of the material through which the light is traveling over a given distance. The intensity of an ultra violate light is measured after it passes through a chamber, called the sample cell, where it is absorbed in proportion to the amount of ozone present. Every three seconds, a switching valve alternates measurement between a gas stream containing ozone and a stream that has been scrubbed of ozone. The analyzer also measures the ambient temperature and pressure of the gas being measured. Using results of these measurements and the Beer-Lambert equation, the M400E analyzer calculates the amount of ozone present in the sampler gas.
O3 Ozone Analyzer – Model 400E I=I0 exp(-αLC) at STP(standard temperature and pressure) Where: Io is the intensity of the light if there was no absorption. I is the intensity with absorption. L is the absorption path, or the distance the light travels as it is being absorbed. C is the concentration of the absorbing gas. In the case of the Model 400E, Ozone (O3). α is the absorption coefficient that tells how well O3 absorbs light at the specific wavelength of interest.
O3 Ozone Analyzer – Model 400E
O3 Ozone Analyzer – Model 400E UV Absorption Analyzer E P A APPROVAL EQOA - 0 9 9 2 - 0 8 7 Ranges: 0-100 ppb to 0-10 ppm, user selectable. Dual ranges and auto-ranging supported Units: ppb, ppm, μg/m3, mg/m3 Zero Noise: < 0.3 ppb (RMS) Span Noise: < 0.5% of reading above 100 ppb (RMS) Lower Detectable Limit (LDL):< 0.6 ppb (RMS) Zero Drift: < 1.0 ppb/24 hours, <1.0 ppb/7 days Span Drift: <1% of reading/7 days ozone present Lag Time: <10 seconds Linearity: 1% of full scale Flow Rate 800 cm3/min Sample Flow Rate: 800 cm3/min ±10% Temperature Range 5 - 40C Humidity Range 0-90% RH, Non-Condensing A 254 nm UV light signal is passed through the sample cell where it is absorbed in proportion to the amount of O3 present in Air.
400E O3 - Schematic
400E O3 - Schematic
400E O3 - Schematic
O3 Ozone Analyzer – Model 400E INTERNAL ZERO SPAN (IZS) OPTION (OPT 51A) The Model 400E photometric ozone analyzer can also be equipped with an internal zero air and span gas generator. This option includes an ozone scrubber for producing zero air, a variable ozone generator for producing calibration span gas and a valve for switching between the sample gas inlet and the output of the scrubber/generator. A reference detector monitors the operating level of the IZS’ ozone generator. The detector senses the intensity of the UV lamp internal to the IZS generator and coverts this into a DC voltage. This voltage is used by the CPU as part of a feedback loop to directly adjust the brightness of the lamp producing a more accurate and stable ozone concentration. The ozone output level of the generator is directly controllable by the user via the front panel of the instrument or remotely via the analyzer’s RS-232 Serial I/O ports.
O3 Ozone Analyzer – Model 400E THE DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM (IDAS) The M400E analyzer contains a flexible and powerful, internal data acquisition system (iDAS) that enables the analyzer to store concentration and calibration data as well as a host of diagnostic parameters. The iDAS can store up to about one million data points, which can cover days, weeks or months of valuable measurements. The iDAS is designed to be flexible, users have full control over the type, length and reporting time of the data. The iDAS permits users to access stored data through the instrument’s front panel or its communication ports. The principal use of the iDAS is logging data for trend analysis and predictive diagnostics, which can assist in identifying possible problems before they affect the functionality of the analyzer. To support the iDAS functionality, Teledyne API offers APICOM, a program that provides a visual interface for remote or local setup, configuration and data retrieval of the iDAS
O3 Ozone Analyzer – Model 400E APICOM is very helpful for initial setup, data analysis, maintenance and trouble-shooting. The Figure below shows examples of APICOM’s main interface, which emulates the look and functionality of the instruments actual front pane
O3 Ozone Analyzer – Model 400E LEVEL 1 ZERO AND SPAN CALIBRATION A Level 1 zero and span calibration is a simplified, two point analyzer calibration used when analyzer linearity does not need to be checked or verified. Since most analyzers have a reliably linear or near-linear output response with concentration, they can be adequately calibrated with only two concentration standards (two-point concentration). Furthermore, one of the standards may be zero concentration, which is relatively easily obtained and need not be certified. Hence, only one certified concentration standard is needed for the two-point (Level 1) zero and span calibration. Although lacking the advantages of the multipoint calibration, the two- point zero and span calibration--because of its simplicity—can be (and should be) carried out much more frequently. Also, two-point calibrations are easily automated. Frequency checks or updating of the calibration relationship with a two-point zero and span calibration improves the quality of the monitoring data by helping to keep the calibration relationship more closely matched to any changes (drifts) in the analyzer response. (Linearity :The amount of error change throughout an instrument's measurement range. Linearity is also the amount of deviation from an instrument's ideal straight-line performance)
O3 Ozone Analyzer – Model 400E LEVEL 2 ZERO AND SPAN CHECK A Level 2 zero and span check is an "unofficial" check of an analyzer's response. Artificial stimulation of the analyzer's detector, electronic or other types of checks of a portion of the analyzer, etc. Level 2 zero and span checks are not to be used as a basis for analyzer zero or span adjustments, calibration updates, or adjustment of ambient data. They are intended as quick, convenient checks to be used between zero and span calibrations to check for possible analyzer malfunction or calibration drift. Whenever a Level 2 zero or span check indicates a possible calibration problem, a Level 1 zero and span (or multipoint) calibration should be carried out before any corrective action is taken. Subsequent Level 2 check responses should then be compared to the most recent reference response to determine if a change in response has occurred. For automatic Level 2 zero and span checks, the first scheduled check following the calibration should be used for the reference response. It should be kept in mind that any Level 2 check that involves only part of the analyzer's system cannot provide information about the portions of the system not checked and therefore cannot be used as a verification of the overall analyzer calibration.
O3 Ozone Analyzer – Model 400E ELECTRO-STATIC DISCHARGE Modern electronic devices such as the types used in the various electronic assemblies of your analyzer, are very small, require very little power and operate very quickly. Unfortunately, the same characteristics that allow them to do these things also make them very susceptible to damage from the discharge of static electricity. Damage to components occurs when these static charges come into contact with an electronic device. Temporary anti-ESD work area Always wear an Anti-ESD wrist strap when working on the electronic assemblies of your analyzer. Simply touching a grounded piece of metal is insufficient. While this may temporarily bleed off static Always store sensitive components and assemblies in anti-ESD storage bags or bins
TELEYNE Team Thank you All Company Confidential TELEYNE Team Thank you All Company Headquarters: City of Industry, California USA Facility: 60,000 sq. ft. / ISO-9001:2008 Founded: 1945 Core Capabilities: Manufacturer of high quality measurement and control instrumentation. Website: