Boeing STEP Manufacturing Program NASA’s STEP for Aerospace Workshop King G. Yee January 18, 2001.


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Presentation transcript:

Boeing STEP Manufacturing Program NASA’s STEP for Aerospace Workshop King G. Yee January 18, 2001

Agenda Process Today Process Tomorrow Future Development Summery

ARC INSIGHTS, January 10, 2001

The international Standard for Product Model Data (STEP ISO 10303) completely defines the information used by engineering and manufacturing activities throughout a product life cycle. STEP standards development has extended their reach onto the shop floor by attacking the CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) and CNC machining standards. Specifically, STEP-NC, ISO , is an extension to STEP that seeks to displace the existing G code formats specified in by RS-274-D/DIN standards. Effectively, STEP-NC makes the “post processor” on CAM systems obsolete. A single data format for the CAD and the machine will coexist to enable information to flow from the ma-chine tool to upstream design tools. STEP-NC is a feature-based language being tried as a G code replacement. Basically, it retains the original design features of mechanical components or fabricated metals in the executable instructions brought to the machine tool on the manufacturing floor. The STEP-NC specification coupled with XML promises to connect CNCs to the Internet and streamline the NC machining process. Combining these technologies will offer ma-chine tool geometry platform independence, better product model data exchange, and new levels of manufacturing collaboration. An XML standard schema is being developed for STEP-NC. This standard will insure that all data in a product model is tagged in a manner consistent with the machining operations defined by the STEP-NC specifica-tion. Essentially, XML provides a very convenient way to link manufacturing processes, tool paths, and tool selection information with geometry, features, and machining steps in the database. This will prove to be one of the emerging technologies that will enable collaborative e-manufacturing to become a reality on the plant floor.

Concurrent Design/Solid Modeling and Manufacturing Planning Solid Modeling With Removal Volumes Develop Manufacturing Removal Volumes Develop Digital Pre-Plan Conceptual Engineering Develop Initial Manufacturing Strategy Automated NC Automated NC Machine Parts Process “Today” EngineerEngineer ANC ANC Digital NC Plan VNC Tool Path Generation UG CAM Machine Simulation Machine Part Genius Mfg Database Standard ANC Templates Unigraphics ProgrammerProgrammer Digital Product Definition Engineering Part STEP AP203 NC Programming

Automated NC Machine Parts Process “Tomorrow” Concurrent Design/Solid Modeling and Manufacturing Planning Solid Modeling With Feature Identification Develop Manufacturing Features Develop Digital Pre-Plan Conceptual Engineering Develop Initial Manufacturing Strategy Automated NC EngineerEngineer ANC ANC Manufacturing Features Digital NC Plan VNC Tool Path Generation UG CAM Machine Simulation Machine Part Genius Mfg. Database Standard ANC Templates Unigraphics ProgrammerProgrammer Digital Product Definition Engineering Part STEP AP224 STEP AP203 Pocket Hole Profile Hole Tool Tab Slab

Automated NC Machine Parts Process “Tomorrow” Concurrent Design/Solid Modeling and Manufacturing Planning Solid Modeling With Feature Identification Develop Manufacturing Features Develop Digital Pre-Plan Conceptual Engineering Develop Initial Manufacturing Strategy Automated NC EngineerEngineer ANC ANC Manufacturing Features VNC Tool Path Generation UG CAM Machine Simulation Machine Part Genius Mfg. Database Standard ANC Templates Unigraphics ProgrammerProgrammer Digital Product Definition Engineering Part STEP AP224 STEP AP203 Pocket Hole Profile Hole Tool Tab Slab STEP AP 213 NC Process Plan

CATIA PRO-E UG CV (CAD System) Common Data Format ANC Process Standardized (STEP AP203/AP224) Platform Independent Complete Manufacturing Enhanced Unambiguous Common Data Format For Manufacturing “Vision”

Manufacturing Vision Product Model Manufacturing Features Tolerance Data Man. / Assem. Costing Advanced Machine Controllers Optimization of Factory Resources Automated NC Supplier Capability Analysis Automated Producibility Analysis Automated Quality Assurance Feature Tracking Between CAD/CAM Systems Process Based SPC Production Process Analysis ADVICE STEP NC ANC QA-ANC ISPC ANC Supplier Int. AP 224 File A Single, Complete, Consistent, Standard, and Unambiguous Manufacturing Feature Definition.

Development Manufacturing Turning Machine Code Data Manufacturing Plan AP203 Design Process Planning Detailed NC Process Planning Tool Path Generation Simulation AP 224 manufacturing features AP 213 Milling AP 213 stock fixtures #setup machine …….. AP 213 tools ISO workpiece Controller feedback …... tool path Inspection AP 219

NC Process Planning To fully take advantage of STEP-NC and the open NC Controller, AP 213 must be enhanced To support both dimensional and geometric tolerances (if AP 213 is enhanced with AP 224 tolerances the validation activity can support inspection process ). To support STEP-NC (current AP 213 spec references the traditional “M” and “G” code standard). To support the 2nd edition STEP integrated resources (IR) and to harmonize with PDM.

Harmonization of Standards for Manufacturing All manufacturing standards need to be consistent and harmonize machining features, dimensional tolerances, and geometric tolerances for a successful exchange of product data throughout the manufacturing life cycle. To ensure consistency, all manufacturing application protocols need to have the same product structure, the need to be harmonized with the PDM Schema.


UK RAMP SCRA’s STEP AP224-based technology used by UK MoD for several years Significant pilot project just completed –585 parts processed planned –171 parts manufactured –Successful! Rolling out a UK RAMP Center –MoD is calling out AP224 as preferred tech data

AP203 3-D Geo Design AP 224 Geo +Features UK MOD AP 224 XML Business Case XML Netscape ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO XML ANC