Basic Computer Application O An application is another word for a program running on the computer. O Involves the user interface- the way the user tells the software what to do and how the computer displays information and options to the user.
Basic Computer Applications i. Word Processing ii. Desktop Publishing iii. Spreadsheet iv. Database v. Graphics vi. Presentations
Word Processing O The application that is used most often and most widely. O It has replaced the typewriter as the main way words are put on paper. O Documents can be revised and corrected before they are ever printed. O An existing document can be used as a template, or pattern, for a new one.
Word Processing O Purpose: To produce documents O Main advantage: Can easily change what has been done O Examples of word processing programs: O Microsoft Word O WordPerfect O Open Office Writer.
Word Processing
Desktop Publishing O Does on the computer what used to be done with scissors and glue and other non- computer methods - put together text and graphics for printing. O For professional publications, a desktop publishing program gives the precise control needed and also advanced capacities such as preparing four-color separations for commercial printing.
Desktop Publishing O Purpose:To prepare documents with graphics with precise control of the layout O Major Advantages: O Ability to place text and graphics precisely on page O Ability to chain sections together like newspaper columns O Advanced tools for professional work
Desktop Publishing O Examples: O Microsoft Publisher O Corel Ventura O Several Adobe products - PageMaker, FrameMaker, InDesign.
Desktop Publishing
Spreadsheet O A spreadsheet is the application of choice for most documents that organize numbers O A spreadsheet can perform simple or complex calculations on the numbers you enter in rows and columns.
Spreadsheet O Purpose: Organizing numbers O Major Advantages: O Can calculate for you using formulas O Auto-update of related numbers when data changes O Can display data in graphs and charts
Spreadsheet O Examples of spreadsheet programs: O MS Excel O Lotus O Quattro Pro O Open Office Calc.
Database O A database is a collection of data that you want to manage, rearrange, and add to later. O Purpose: Managing data O Major Advantages: Can change way data is sorted and displayed
Database O Examples of databases: O MS Access O dBase O FoxPro O Paradox O Approach O Oracle O Open Office Base.
Graphics O Graphics programs deal with pictures, either static or moving, flat or 3D. O Purpose: To create and edit images O Examples: O Adobe Photoshop O PaintShopPro
Videos O VLC O GOM Player O POT Player O Windows Media Player O Itunes
Presentation O A presentation program, also known as presentation graphics, links together a sequence of slides containing text and graphics. O A slide show might be used for a sales presentation or for training or to enhance any kind of speech.
Presentation O Examples of presentation software: O Microsoft PowerPoint O Corel Presentations O Lotus Freelance Graphics O Harvard Graphics O Open Office Impress