Surveying Instruments
A surveyor’s level: a revolving telescope on a tripod
It is fitted with cross hairs,
and spirit level
It is used by surveyors in finding points of identical elevation
Automatic digital level uses barcode technology
To get an elevation measurement from a special level rod
This produces a direct electonic reading and storage of data about elevation… Possible transcription errors are eliminated.
More expensive than a standard high quality automatic level. New digital levels have been further employed expanding their memory. When you have measured height and distance, all you have to do is aim a special code staff
Then you press a single key and the results are immediately shown on the LCD display. This way “digital” gets height and distance measurement very simple.
This system can be used as long as the cross hair is visible In low light conditions In very bright sunshine
These instruments have been designed to provide accurancy which doesn’t change in adverse environments
Heat shimmer