Problems and Bridging the yield gap in Rice Dr. M. C. Diwakar Director DIRECTORATE OF RICE DEVELOPMENT GOVT.OF INDIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (DEPTT. OF AGRI. & COOPN.) PATNA -800013 (BIHAR)
Eco-System wise rice in India Production Area
Area & Production ( %) under different Productivity Groups 115 distt. 103 distt 119 distt. 143 distt. 83 distt
STRATEGIES Rainfed Lowland: CONSTRAINTS Rainfed Lowlands CONSTRAINTS & STRATEGIES FOR RICE PRODUCTION RAINFED ECOLOGIES (45% area contributing to only 30% rice production) STRATEGIES Rainfed Lowland: (Maximum potential to enhance productivity –we can achieve 1 to 2 tons/ha yield increase) Promotion of stress (flooding, drought, salinity etc.) tolerant rice varieties and early maturing varieties and late maturing varieties in flood prone areas Promotion of inputs such as sees, micronutrients, farm machinery, PP chemicals through programmatic interventions Dissemination of technologies through KVKs Policy for advanced planning for targeted environment seed production Ensuring optimal stand establishment by adopting closer spacing in transplanted areas and by using 20 percent higher seed rate in direct sown ecologies. Hand weeding and hoeing CONSTRAINTS Rainfed Lowlands Low and fragile productivity & production due to abiotic stresses mainly drought, flood, salinity & water stagnation Low input use Poor network of extension services Poor availability of inputs particularly quality seed of stress tolerant varieties High weed infestation
Constraints Strategies : Rainfed uplands: Drought (moisture stress at more than one growth stage) Acid soils with low organic matter content, low N and P and widespread Zn, Boron deficiency Lack of suitable HYVs and slow adoption of improved varieties Inadequate supply and use of quality seed Severe weed infestation Poor crop stand Blast and brown spot diseases Widespread poverty Strategies : Promotion of early maturing drought tolerant rice varieties well adapted to direct seeding (e.g. Sahbhagi Dhan) Lime treatment and micronutrients Ensuring optimum plant population by adoption of line sowing/using higher seed rate. Quality seed production as per seed plan and indenting of recently released varieties Promotion of pre-emergence application of recommended weedicides and/or harrowing/ hoeing and hand-weeding once or thrice depending on the severity of weed infestation. Resistant varieties for blast and brown spot diseases .
CONSTRAINTS & STRATEGIES FOR RICE PRODUCTION IRRIGATED ECOLOGY (55% AREA CONTRIBUTING TO 70 % RICE PRODUCTION) STRATEGIES : Pucca outlets for Good drainage. Amelioration of inland salinity/alkalinity affected areas along with salinity tolerant varieties (CSR 36, CSR 27, Narendra Usar Dhan 3 etc.) Treatment with micronutrients. Zero till seed drill use for direct seeding .Mechanized transplanting/wet direct seeding to ensure timely planting in areas where delayed planting is inevitable due to labour shortage and high wage etc. Use of recommended PP chemicals CONSTRAINTS Faulty irrigation causing salinity/alkalinity in commands & deltas Low organic matter & micronutrients deficiency Delayed planting Biotic (diseases, insects and weeds) and abiotic (moisture stress, flooding)
Summary Schemes for rice development Addressing constraints through schematic interventions Encouraging trends Bottle necks in implementation/Areas needing attention
Government’s Initiatives National Food Security Mission – 136 districts, 14 states ; 50,000 hac area & district productivity less than state average Macromanagement Mode of Agriculture-in non NFSM districts/ states Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana Extending green revolution in Eastern India- Eastern U.P, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Orissa ; Rs 400 Promoting technology –seeds, INM, Plant Protection, Farm machinery, FFS, demonstration
Addressing the Constraints through Programmatic interventions Saline, acidic soils Soil amelioration by lime ( 7 lakh hac). Paper mill sludge for acidic soil treatment in Orissa minikits of saline tolerant varies CSR 36( 11822 kits; 591 qtls) Low seed replacement Increased seed distribution ( nearly 19.0 lakh qtl) Wide spread Zn deficiency Micronutrients are promoted in nearly 14 lakh hac. Low organic content Rotavators are promoted for puddling/ ploughing back weeds and green manure into the soil. use of cono weeder under SRI
Addressing Constraints through Programmatic interventions Knowledge gaps Demonstrations, farmer’s field school, PMT Delayed planting Promotion of Zero till seed drill for direct seeding Post harvest grain loss Threshing floors are promoted for better grain yield and drying of the grains; Bihar Climate change effect Promotion of drought resistance varieties of Sahabhagi Dhan ( 31000 kits; 1550 qtl ),and submergence tolerant variety of Suvarna sub 1 ( 60640 kits; 3638 qtls) )
Trend of Input intake Input 07-08 08-09 09-10 Seed (lakh qtls) 0.33 (17%) 6.7 (45%) 11.6 (52%) Micronutrients (lakh hac) 0.92 (55%) 4.9 (84%) 7.7 (73%) Liming (lakh hac) 0.45 (29%) 4.5(87%) 2.1 (50%) Farm implements (no. in lakhs) 0.06(22%) 3.1(100%) 4.1(100%) Pump sets (no. in lakhs ) 0.17 (63%) 0.41(93%)
Encouraging trends….good Agriculture practices Increased adoption of System of Rice Intensification –T.N- Compact block demos, Orissa-every block 1 SRI village of 100 acres, Bihar-SRI villages Increased awareness and demand for hybrids – U.P., A.P , Assam, Orissa etc. Increased demand for Farm machinery – Zero till seed drills, rotavators, conoweeders Increase in area under Bororice production , particularly in Assam
Impact of Hybrid rice seed Minikit Better performance of public rice hybrid because of shorter duration than private hybrid during 09-10 drought season. KRH 2 in Orissa, Assam Enhanced hybrid rice minikits- 63000 minikits allocated in 10-11 hybrid seed minikit as demonstration under SRI to –BAU, JNKV More demand- Notified TL hybrid seeds are allowed from 2010-11
Reducing Risks of Rice production Increased production in good season for maintaining food buffer stocks Promotion of Hybrid Rice; Strategies to enlist Private sector participation, and adapting good practices of production of public bred hybrids( China) Reaching out to low capacity rice farmers Promotion of SRI; Inclusion of NGOs for individualized service to farmers especially for rainfed rice Develop technologies on drought and submergence tolerance Partnering IRRI for active promotion of salt and submergence tolerant varieties Special drive for the stress prone areas to enhance and stabilize rice productivity (advanced planning for seed multiplication and targeted seed dissemination)
Conclusions Rice – Crop of different agro climatic zones. Promotion of available technologies through schematic interventions Bottlenecks of implementation…/Areas needing attention water resources development in uplands /drainage in lowlands Development and seed production of suitable varieties- short and medium duration stress tolerant ; climate change Resilient varieties and boro rice varieties Standardised technology for SRI for different agro ecological zones for optimum returns ? Popularising DNA fingure printing techniques for testing hybrids Procurement issue in eastern India