Carson City or Bust! Fourth Grade Field Trip 2014
Where is Carson City? Carson City is the Capital of our great state. It is in Northern Nevada, near Reno.
Where are some of the places that my child will go? Carson City State Legislature Capitol Building Supreme Court State Museum Stewart Indian School Virginia City Ponderosa Mine Fourth Ward School Piper’s Opera House Virginia City trolley V & T railway to Goldhill
When are we going? We will be going in mid-May. Who is Going? Your fourth-grade student and you are eligible for the overnight trip.
Why are we going? Part of our Curriculum this year is Nevada History. Carson City is the seat of government for our great state and has many historical sites. Virginia City is the site of the Comstock Lode, the first major silver deposit in the U.S.
How do we sign up? Everyone who would like to go will complete an intent form and pay a $50 non-refundable deposit by November 15 th. Parents who would like to be chaperones will need to complete a chaperone form and pay an additional $50 non-refundable deposit, by November 15 th. No reservations can be made after November 15 th.
What is the cost? We are estimating the cost to be approximately $330, based on last year’s actual costs. We will be doing different fundraisers to help off-set the cost.
What is my money going towards? based on last year’s student costs Plane trip$ Tour bus $ Food$ Hotel$ Tours$ Train$ Train$ (in Virginia City)
How can I help? Get your deposits in on time. Sell Cookie Dough in November (individual). Help us with fundraising events the rest of this month. Donate items for movie night and participate in fundraising in December. Sign up to be a Chaperone.
What are the dates for Deposits? Deposits are due on the first Friday of each month: +Friday, October 4 th +Friday, November 1 st +Friday, January 10 th +Friday, February 7 th +Friday, March 7 th +Friday, April 4 th
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