Barbara Martin, Project Director ctcLink Project Update Washington State Student Services Commission April 30, 2015 Barbara Martin, Project Director
Today’s Topics Project/Schedule Update Transcript Early Alert Student Milestones Training Resources Preparing for Wave 1 Testing Security Model ctcLink Gateway Overall Project Update FirstLink Colleges go-live date rescheduled Process for selecting a go-live date High level activities Campus Solutions, Finance, HCM, Technical
FirstLink Go-Live Update Readiness Scorecard revealed outstanding items Resulted in a “no go” decision for Feb 23 launch date Thorough analysis of remaining activities has been completed New FirstLink go-live date of August 24, 2015 has been announced Projected Wave 1 go-live date is August 2016
Process for selecting the go live date Leadership team met to identify outstanding items needed for successful go-live. Met with ctcLink core team and firstLink colleges to review those items and identify any new ones. Developed detailed effort estimates and assigned resources required to complete each activity. Developed a comprehensive plan for discussion, verification and commitment with the core team and firstLink colleges. Project Plan document will be the tool used to track the progress. Weekly meetings with the core team, college project management, and functional teams to report on progress. Readiness Scorecard will continue to assess our “go live” status.
ctcLink Project Schedule FirstLink – August 24, 2015 Wave 1 – August 2016 (exact day TBD) Clark, Columbia Basin, Grays Harbor, Green River, Lower Columbia, Peninsula Pierce District Wave 2 – Option 1: May 2017; Option 2: Aug 2017 Big Bend, Cascadia, Clover Park, Edmonds, Highline, Lake Washington Olympic, Renton, SBCTC, Seattle Colleges, Shoreline Wave 3 – Option 1: Feb 2018; Option 2: Aug 2018 Bates, Bellevue, Bellingham, Centralia, Everett, Skagit Valley, South Puget Sound, Walla Walla, Wenatchee Valley, Whatcom, Yakima Valley Note: Waves 2 and 3 go-live date options are tentative and still under review. They will be discussed in more detail following FirstLink go-live
PeopleSoft Transcript PeopleSoft Transcript will print the following records: Enrollment Courses in progress Term statistics and cumulative statistics Transfer credit summary (number of credit accepted and name of the sending school) Test Credits details (test type and equivalency) Other Credits details (credit type and equivalency) CCN notation for common numbered courses
Sample of PeopleSoft Transcript – Not finalized yet Unofficial Transcript Official Transcript
Early Alert Work Flow CEMLI CEMLI – Conversion, Extension, Modification, Localization, Interface. Early intervention for classroom behavior and performance Instructors and advisors will have the ability to flag a student via self-service each term based on global categories. This flag will serve as an early alert to college administrators who can triage the issue via workflow to determine if an intervention with the student is necessary.
Early Alert – on Advisor Center
Early Alert in Grade Roster (Faculty Center)
Early Alert Issue Categories Class Attendance/Tardiness Low grades on exams, quizzes, assignments Incomplete/missing assignments Poor class participation or inattentiveness Known or unknown external factors Other Users will be allowed to make notes on each issue reported.
Early Alert Requirements Grade rosters must be generated in order for the Early Alert link to be available. The issue categories are global for all institutions and static, meaning they are not configurable.
Student Milestones Student Milestones can be used in many different ways. Some examples are: Non-course requirements - e.g. typing speed, CPA training, commercial license, new student orientation Non-credit course equivalencies – e.g. English and math course prerequisite check. High school course requirements – 1 year of chemistry, 2 years of biology Statewide reciprocity – e.g. English and math placement test. Local training programs
Assigned Milestones on Student Center
Status of Assigned Milestones on Student Center
Define Milestone for Unofficial Prerequisite Check
Set up Milestone Levels for Unofficial Prerequisite Check
Assign Milestone to Student for Prerequisite Check
Record Milestone Completion for Prerequisite Check
Training Website This site will be reorganized for end-user ease of use. For example, a “For Students” tab will be added to the menu on the left. Tools on this site available for all colleges now.
Wave Coordinator Activities Provide college assistance related to inventory of supporting systems. Work with functional and technical teams as well as firstLink colleges to document lessons learned. Based on lessons learned and best practice, develop guidelines for wave colleges to help them with business process change. Provide wave colleges with clear preparation instructions to ensure go live readiness. Work with wave colleges to facilitate security workshops. This will provide an opportunity for colleges to get an early understanding of the security model and distributed role assignment.
Wave Coordinator Activities (cont.) Work with ctcLink functional and technical teams as well as colleges to begin legacy data analysis and cleanup. When will wave colleges have a Sandbox environment with real college data Develop a Gantt Chart outlining the activities and time distribution for each key step of the implementation process Identify Project Management resources that may be available to wave colleges.
Current Activities – User Acceptance Testing (UAT) As of 4/7/15: 2609 of 2723 test scripts have been executed 2607 (96%) have passed 865 total defects logged 862 defects fixed & closed (CEMLI testing tracked separately) 2609 of 2723 test scripts have been executed 2607 (96%) have passed 865 defects, and corrected and closed 862. CS - 100% of test scripts have been executed (1014). There are two failed test scripts in Student Financials related to Cybersource (make a payment from Student Center fails in some versions of IE). Finance - 90% of test scripts have been executed and passed (969 of 1067). There are no test scripts currently in failed status. PO with projects has passed UAT. Cash Management and Hyperion are still outstanding. Cash Management test scripts, both delivered and CEMLIs, are scheduled to be complete in all testing stages by 5/20. All Hyperion test scripts, both delivered and CEMLIs have passed SIT and are prepping for the UAT environment. HCM - 99% of test scripts have been executed and passed (626 of 634). There are no test scripts currently in failed status. Absence Management testing of delivered functionality is now complete. There are four outstanding tests for each college (Posting Payroll to GL, Running Pay Unconfirm Process, Processing Retro Pay Mass Requests and Posting Job Opening to External Website).
CEMLI Testing Status
Testing Stages UAT SIT FNC Regression Parallel Payroll Security In Progress Regression Parallel Payroll Security Ethical Hacking Performance Usability Accessibility Device Equipment Disaster Recovery Mock Conversions In Progress In Progress Early July In Progress FNC SIT UAT In Progress Mid-May In Progress Late May/June In Progress
Day in the Life Testing (DITL) Day in the Life (DITL) testing is currently scheduled to begin June16th. DITL will take place in the QA2 environment. QA2 will be refreshed from conversion cycle 8 and will be on our go-live platform of bundles and images with gold configuration and accepted CEMLIs. Activate Your Account will be available so testers will be able to login as themselves. DITL testing is our final due diligence testing to allow for real world testing with real data, real users, real security. It is not another full blown cycle of UAT. College and district office managers from each pillar have identified the primary functions that they would like to test during the DITL phase. Testers may follow a sequence of test scripts to chain together a business process or use their knowledge of the system from training to perform a business process.
ctcLink Security - Distributed Security Model A distributed security model provides the ability for some or all user profile administration to be delegated to colleges or departments. SBCTC Security Admin College Security Admin College Distributed Security College User Manage role definitions Manage row level security templates Distribute Role Assignment Assign Roles to Users Assign Row Level Security to Users Distribute Role Assignment Assign Roles to Users Assign Row Level Security to Users
ctcLink – Gateway Login
ctcLink – Gateway Select College
ctcLink – Gateway for Student
ctcLink – Gateway for Employee
Be Connected, Stay Informed College Resources ctcLink Collaboration “365” site Login instructions on College Resources webpage Open ctcLink SME listservs Campus Solutions – ctclinksme-cs Finance – ctclinksme_fin Financial Aid – ctclinksme-finaid Human Capital Management – ctclinksme-hcm Technical –ctclinksme_tech Reporting – ctclinksme_rpt To join a list: Follow ctcLinkblog: Know your ctcLink district team Follow the ctcLink Blog: Website: