English Language Arts 12 November 14 and 17, 2014
Bellringer In your NOTEBOOK, write today’s date and answer the following question: (Question is from past ACT tests where “OMIT” or “DELETE” the underlined portion is presented as an answer choice.) Even astronauts orbiting the earth chew sugar-free bubble gum while in orbit. A. NO CHANGE B. during their time in space. C. which does not have sugar on it. D. OMIT the underlined portion and end the sentence with a period.
Reading Workshop minutes Remember: You need to be reading. Not talking, doing homework, goofing off, sleeping, distracting others, etc. You may listen to music as long as it is kept quiet and kept in your pocket. You receive 5 pts. for being present and on-task during Reading Workshop. DON’T FORGET TO COMPLETE YOUR READING RESPONSE PACKET!!!!
Quiz 12 Go to the following link and complete the quiz over Chapter 12. LAST ONE!!!!! goo.gl/Sr2xVx
Writing Workshop Astrology and Grendel activity (handout) Create a PowerPoint presentation or poster and essay explaining how different parts of the chapter have anything to do with the sign or its characteristics. Due November 18 (red) and 19 (white)