for a healthy youth ministry
Goes without saying, yet seldom done Vision and direction prayerfully considered Praying for your young people
Committed to Christ Committed to Ministry Life and doctrine Be sure to carefully select and train up your replacement
Covering all aspects of discipleship Head Heart Hands Community Family
Understanding Biblically those things significant to youth ministry Covenant relationship God focussed Gospel Truth Household
Fail to prepare, prepare to fail Back up program Be flexible
Christ as the centre of all things (Col 1:15 – 17) Program and message needs to evolve out of and revolve around God in Christ narrative.
Tailor to suit people Time to listen, connect and adjust to suit Know your people
Youth are a part of the Body, not a separate body in themselves Age appropriate yet connected Ministry strategy is to do with connecting not separating
Transformation of the heart Power of the gospel Preach it! Spread it
Consider developmental needs Language What to say and what not to say
Allow household time Support household ministry