In the Community
Community Corrections Continues after incarceration And it deals with split sentences
Community Corrections Many programs found Following jail Shock incarceration Shock probation Prison furlough programs Work programs Educational programs
Community Corrections This fits squarely into the goal of the offender who criminal behavior is reduced, or eliminated through programs in the community and who will commit fewer if any crimes in the future.
Community Corrections Probation Probation –is a sentence imposed by the court that does not usually involve confinement
Community Corrections Parole Is the release of an offender from confinement prior to the expiration of sentence on conditions of good behavior and supervision in the community.
Community Corrections Jail A jail is a confinement facility, usually administered by a local law enforcement agency, intended for adults by sometimes containing juveniles.
Community Corrections Prison A state or federal confinement facility having custodial authority over criminal law violation adults sentenced to confinement usually for more than one year.
Community Corrections U.S. Prison/Jail/Parole Population 20% in Prison 7.60 % in Jail 10.00% on Parole 63.20% on Probation
Community Corrections U.S. Correctional Population reaches 6.3 Million Men and Women that is 3.1 % of the Adult U.S. Population
Community Corrections What do those percentages mean to Corrections/law enforcement/ community relations officer?
Community Corrections 1 out of every 200 persons will be on some type of sentencing guideline
Community Corrections Sentencing Disparity No evident reason for the differences. It is know as unequal treatment of similar situated offenders.
Home Detention This sentencing is usually in conjunction with probations but may be imposed by the court as a separate punishment.
Home Detention A punitive sentence and was designed to relieve institutional overcrowding.
Community Corrections Supervised Release
Community Corrections Community Residential Centers- They are intended as an alternative to confinement for persons not suited for probation or for those who need a period of re-adjustment to the community after imprisonment.
Community Corrections Community Residential Facilities- A facility from which residents are regularly permitted to leave, unaccompanied by any official for purposes of using community resources Schools Employment Treatment programs
Community Corrections Halfway House A facility for offenders who are either about to be released from an institution or immediately after release or alternatives to jail or prison incarceration.
Halfway House
Juvenile Offender
Community Corrections Day Reporting Centers- Centers to which adults and sometimes juveniles report in lieu of incarceration as a condition of probation.
Day Reporting Centers Reports indicate that offenders in these programs must not only physically report to their centers daily but also provide a schedule of planned activities and participate in designed activities.
Day Reporting Centers In addition; Offenders must call the centers by phone through the day Expect random calls by staff both during the day and at home following curfews. Offenders must contact their respective centers an average of 60 times weekly and Take random drug tests
Community Corrections Restitution Centers- Centers for offenders ordered by the court to make financial payments to victims. The offender must seek and obtain employment Make restitution Reimburse the center for room and board Participation in community or in-house programs.
Talbert House Day Reporting Center The objective of the program was to provide an alternative disposition for probationers facing revocation, which combines high levels of supervision.
Community Corrections Work Furlough Centers Sentenced offenders released from a correctional institution for work during the day. Offenders typically spend nights and weekends in the facility and must participate in community or in-house programs.
Community Corrections Halfway Houses- this program is to provide federal prison inmates a transition back to the community where they will live upon release from federal custody.
Community Corrections Mentally Handicapped Offenders An estimated 2% of the nation’s population is mentally handicapped (having an IQ below 70)
Community Corrections Few jails or prisons have sufficient facilities and programs to handle the special needs of the developmentally disabled offender
Community Corrections Developmentally disabled prisoner released in a community- Criminal justice personnel are not presently trained to handle the special problems and needs of such a offender
Community Corrections Such developmentally disabled offender should be assigned to programs that meet their individual needs.
Community Corrections Where are the community correctional facilities in your neighborhood?
999 Dawson, Long Beach c.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl= &biw=1280&bih=854&q=1 0th+and+dawson,+long+Beach,+Ca&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&hq=&hnear=0x80dd310cafa9c815:0x3b1dbad ac,E+10th+St+%26+Dawson+Ave,+Long+Beach,+CA &gl=us&sa=X&ei=pHikUIqYBsijigKCgoFo&ved=0 CCsQ8gEwAA
BOP Community corrections is an integral component of the Bureau's correctional programs. Community corrections staff develop and administer contracts for community-based correctional programsadminister contracts
Locations The Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) in Los Angeles, California, is an administrative facility for male and female inmates. The facility is located in downtown Los Angeles, off the Hollywood Freeway (Highway 101) on the corner of Alameda and Aliso Streets.
=21&gs_id=n1&xhr=t&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpc l= &biw=1280&bih=854&q=11112+barclay+driv e+garden+grove+ca+92841&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&hq=&hnear=0x80dd285105cef8cd:0x8ea6379ad2222 e85,11112+Barclay+Dr,+Garden+Grove,+CA+92841&gl=u s&sa=X&ei=dlekUPaCNO7hiwK_4ICQCQ&sqi=2&ved =0CCsQ8gEwAA
Barclay-Dr-92841/home/ Barclay-Dr-92841/home/ This facility is no different to view than any other apartment complex in a residential community.
MISSION STATEMENT It is the mission of Harbour Area Halfway Houses to provide a full spectrum of social services to women who are incarcerated or at risk of incarceration, with a specific emphasis on issues related to substance abuse.