The Endangered Species Act of 1973 was created to provide conservation of endangered and threatened species of fish, wildlife, and plants. The Act came.


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Presentation transcript:

The Endangered Species Act of 1973 was created to provide conservation of endangered and threatened species of fish, wildlife, and plants. The Act came into being as Americans grew increasingly aware of the damage being done to the environment, as well as the threat posed to specific animal and plant species. The act was signed into a law on December 28, 1973 by Richard Nixon.

1.--Authorizes the determination and listing of species as endangered and threatened.  --Prohibits unauthorized taking, possession, sale, and transport of endangered species;  --Provides authority to acquire land for the conservation of listed species, using land and water conservation funds;  --Authorizes the payment of rewards to anyone furnishing information leading to arrest and conviction for any violation of the Act or any regulation issued there under.  --Authorizes the assessment of civil and criminal penalties for violating the Act or regulations  --Authorizes establishment of cooperative agreements and grants- in-aid to States that establish and maintain active and adequate programs for endangered and threatened wildlife and plants

Species That Are No Longer On The Endangered Species List After nearly disappearing three decades ago, grizzly bears are thriving in the Yellowstone ecosystem and no longer need the protection of the Endangered Species Act The American Crocodile was close to disappearing from South Florida, when it was originally listed as a federally endangered species in By 1976, the population was estimated at just about 300. Scientists now estimate there are up to 2,000 American crocodiles in Florida.

Endangered Species Blue Whale Gray Wolf Leatherback Sea Turtle Gorilla Tiger Giant Panda Gray Bat Caribou Jaguar Gray Wolf Leatherback Sea Turtle Tiger Jaguars Gorilla Caribou

Reasons for Endangered Species Destruction of Habitat - Humans destroy habitats-when they fill swamps and marshes, dam rivers and cut down trees to build homes, roads and other developments. Pollution -Water pollution, acid rain as well as oil spills have been devastating for many species of fish and birds. Hunting and Fishing - Animals are over-hunted because their meat, fur and other parts are usually very valuable.
