Children of God / The Family International RELS 225 Cults and New Religious Movements RELS 225 Cults and New Religious Movements
Slide 2. HistoryHistory 1968 The Children of God David Brandt Berg, ( ) “Father David” in Huntington Beach, California Founded communes Proselytizing 1969: 100 members; By 1973, 140 communes Wrote 3000 “Mo Letters”, indicating he was God’s prophet (1972) : Flirty Fishing “for those who were in dire need of physical love and affection, even sex could be used as evidence to them of the Lord's love”
Slide 3. HistoryHistory : “The Family” Reorganized 1/3 of the members left Beliefs remained the same Childcare manual published January 1982: Davidito (Ricky Rodriguez) 1985: “any such activities [adult-child sexual contact] are strictly forbidden within our group."
Slide 4. HistoryHistory Prosecution for child abuse. Consider The Poor ministry, providing material aid to the poor and disadvantaged. 1994: Berg dies; Karen Zerby takes over, remains secluded Zerby, 1995: reprimands those using the “Law of Love” for selfish reasons
Slide 5. HistoryHistory 1995: British legal case: sexual abuse had occurred, the movement was now safe. 2004: “The Family International” Less dedicated lifestyle Renewal of proselytization 5 levels of membership: Family Disciples (FD) live communally, Missionary Members (MM), Fellow Members (FM), Active Members (AM), and General Members (GM).
Slide 6. Beliefs: Revelation Basically fundamentalist Christianity Bible is the inspired Word of God David Berg is a prophet Now Karen Zerby Great Commission service of God and others God’s Word is the cornerstone of our beliefs and practices. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, written by men of faith who were inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). Its timeless principles are the foundation of our faith, and its truth is the basis of the message we share with others. We believe that God is a living God who continues to speak to His people today and to impart His message through ongoing revelation, prophecy, and words of spiritual direction and counsel. God’s Word explains His plan for humankind, teaches us how to live in harmony with God and others, guides our actions and decisions, and is essential to our spiritual strength and growth. God’s Word is the cornerstone of our beliefs and practices. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, written by men of faith who were inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). Its timeless principles are the foundation of our faith, and its truth is the basis of the message we share with others. We believe that God is a living God who continues to speak to His people today and to impart His message through ongoing revelation, prophecy, and words of spiritual direction and counsel. God’s Word explains His plan for humankind, teaches us how to live in harmony with God and others, guides our actions and decisions, and is essential to our spiritual strength and growth.
Slide 7. Beliefs: God Standard Christian beliefs: Theistic (omni-) Loving God Trinity Sent son, Jesus, to save and teach about love Holy Spirit: feminine side of God We believe in one God, who is the all-powerful, all-knowing, ever- present, eternal Being that created and sustains the universe and everything in it. The Bible teaches us that “God is a spirit” (John 4:24) and “God is love” (1 John 4:8). We believe that He loves and cares for each person with an eternal, unending love, and seeks to bring every man, woman, and child into a personal relationship with Him. God exists eternally in the Trinity of three distinguishable but inseparable Persons: God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God’s love for the world was so great that He gave His one and only son, Jesus Christ, to bring salvation to the world (John 3:16) and to teach humankind about His love. Jesus is the manifestation of the love of God, and He suffered the death of crucifixion in order to atone for the sins of humanity, so that humankind could be reconciled to God (Isaiah 53:4–6). We believe that Jesus was miraculously conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He took human form and lived a human life, so that He could become a mediator between God and humankind (1 Timothy 2:5). Three days after His death on the cross, Jesus was resurrected, and 40 days later, He ascended into Heaven (Acts 1:3). We believe that He will return to the world in the future to establish His kingdom of love and righteousness on Earth (Revelation 11:15). We believe that the Holy Spirit represents the feminine and maternal elements of the Trinity of God, and comforts and nurtures believers. We believe in one God, who is the all-powerful, all-knowing, ever- present, eternal Being that created and sustains the universe and everything in it. The Bible teaches us that “God is a spirit” (John 4:24) and “God is love” (1 John 4:8). We believe that He loves and cares for each person with an eternal, unending love, and seeks to bring every man, woman, and child into a personal relationship with Him. God exists eternally in the Trinity of three distinguishable but inseparable Persons: God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God’s love for the world was so great that He gave His one and only son, Jesus Christ, to bring salvation to the world (John 3:16) and to teach humankind about His love. Jesus is the manifestation of the love of God, and He suffered the death of crucifixion in order to atone for the sins of humanity, so that humankind could be reconciled to God (Isaiah 53:4–6). We believe that Jesus was miraculously conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He took human form and lived a human life, so that He could become a mediator between God and humankind (1 Timothy 2:5). Three days after His death on the cross, Jesus was resurrected, and 40 days later, He ascended into Heaven (Acts 1:3). We believe that He will return to the world in the future to establish His kingdom of love and righteousness on Earth (Revelation 11:15). We believe that the Holy Spirit represents the feminine and maternal elements of the Trinity of God, and comforts and nurtures believers.
Slide 8. Beliefs: World Biblical creation not “random evolution” “God gave humankind the responsibility to care for the Earth and its inhabitants” We believe that God created the universe in accordance with the Biblical account of Creation. God formed the first man and woman in His image and breathed into them the breath of life (Genesis 2:7); thus they became living souls by divine creation and not by random evolution. God’s visible creation provides clear testimony of His invisible existence (Romans 1:20). We believe that God gave humankind the responsibility to care for the Earth and its inhabitants. We believe that God created the universe in accordance with the Biblical account of Creation. God formed the first man and woman in His image and breathed into them the breath of life (Genesis 2:7); thus they became living souls by divine creation and not by random evolution. God’s visible creation provides clear testimony of His invisible existence (Romans 1:20). We believe that God gave humankind the responsibility to care for the Earth and its inhabitants.
Slide 9. Beliefs: The Problem first man and woman without sin fell into sin through choice to disobey God therefore all people became sinners by nature and separated from God We believe that God created the first man and woman without sin. He granted them free choice, and they fell into sin through their choice to disobey God. Through this entrance of sin into the world, all people became sinners by nature (Romans 5:12–14) and separated from God. But God, in His infinite love and mercy, reconciled humanity to Himself by giving the world His only Son, “that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). We believe, therefore, that anyone who accepts God’s pardon for sin through Jesus Christ will be forgiven and redeemed and will live forever in God’s presence in the afterlife. Salvation (redemption from sin) is a gift of God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness, and can only be attained through belief in Jesus. “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us” (Titus 3:5). Having received the gift of salvation, the believer is saved forever; after death, his or her soul will live forever in Heaven. “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:28). Believers continue to be fallible people in need of God’s forgiveness, but despite their shortcomings and sins, they will never lose their salvation. We believe that God created the first man and woman without sin. He granted them free choice, and they fell into sin through their choice to disobey God. Through this entrance of sin into the world, all people became sinners by nature (Romans 5:12–14) and separated from God. But God, in His infinite love and mercy, reconciled humanity to Himself by giving the world His only Son, “that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). We believe, therefore, that anyone who accepts God’s pardon for sin through Jesus Christ will be forgiven and redeemed and will live forever in God’s presence in the afterlife. Salvation (redemption from sin) is a gift of God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness, and can only be attained through belief in Jesus. “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us” (Titus 3:5). Having received the gift of salvation, the believer is saved forever; after death, his or her soul will live forever in Heaven. “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:28). Believers continue to be fallible people in need of God’s forgiveness, but despite their shortcomings and sins, they will never lose their salvation.
Slide 10. Beliefs: The Solution God, in His infinite love and mercy, reconciled humanity to Himself by giving the world His only Son anyone who accepts God’s pardon for sin through Jesus Christ will be forgiven and redeemed and will live forever in God’s presence in the afterlife But God, in His infinite love and mercy, reconciled humanity to Himself by giving the world His only Son, “that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). We believe, therefore, that anyone who accepts God’s pardon for sin through Jesus Christ will be forgiven and redeemed and will live forever in God’s presence in the afterlife. Salvation (redemption from sin) is a gift of God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness, and can only be attained through belief in Jesus. “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us” (Titus 3:5). Having received the gift of salvation, the believer is saved forever; after death, his or her soul will live forever in Heaven. “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:28). Believers continue to be fallible people in need of God’s forgiveness, but despite their shortcomings and sins, they will never lose their salvation. But God, in His infinite love and mercy, reconciled humanity to Himself by giving the world His only Son, “that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). We believe, therefore, that anyone who accepts God’s pardon for sin through Jesus Christ will be forgiven and redeemed and will live forever in God’s presence in the afterlife. Salvation (redemption from sin) is a gift of God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness, and can only be attained through belief in Jesus. “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us” (Titus 3:5). Having received the gift of salvation, the believer is saved forever; after death, his or her soul will live forever in Heaven. “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:28). Believers continue to be fallible people in need of God’s forgiveness, but despite their shortcomings and sins, they will never lose their salvation.
Slide 11. Beliefs: The Good Life Be an example of God’s love Biblical virtues avoid what is incompatible with Christ’s teachings, healthy lifestyle reach people with God’s message Comfort and help those in need Model: early Church oppose discrimination, prejudice, and violence Conscience trumps laws … Our lives should manifest the spiritual virtues enumerated in the Bible, such as love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22–23). … the believer should avoid pursuits and practices of secular society that are incompatible with Christ’s teachings, as well as avoid conformity to attitudes and values contrary to God’s teachings. … we should strive to follow in Christ’s footsteps, to live according to the principles in His Word, and to overcome personal weaknesses and sins that would interfere in our relationship with Him and others. … Christians should also strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle (1 Corinthians 6:19–20). … Christians should reach out to people in all strata of society with God’s message, by methods in harmony with Christian values. … Christians should likewise strive to comfort, aid, and minister to those in need. … the New Testament’s account of the early Church’s close fellowship, cooperative efforts, and spiritual unity serves not only as a historical narrative, but as a model for succeeding generations of believers. … as Jesus laid down His life for us, “we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren” (1 John 3:16), serving one another in love and deference (Galatians 5:13). … we should work in harmony with others to share God’s love with the world and to improve people’s quality of life. … We adhere to the Biblical teaching, “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities” (Romans 13:1). However, in cases where the laws or ordinances would violate a believer’s faith or right to practice their faith, we believe that Christians should follow the dictates of their conscience (Acts 5:27–29). … Our lives should manifest the spiritual virtues enumerated in the Bible, such as love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22–23). … the believer should avoid pursuits and practices of secular society that are incompatible with Christ’s teachings, as well as avoid conformity to attitudes and values contrary to God’s teachings. … we should strive to follow in Christ’s footsteps, to live according to the principles in His Word, and to overcome personal weaknesses and sins that would interfere in our relationship with Him and others. … Christians should also strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle (1 Corinthians 6:19–20). … Christians should reach out to people in all strata of society with God’s message, by methods in harmony with Christian values. … Christians should likewise strive to comfort, aid, and minister to those in need. … the New Testament’s account of the early Church’s close fellowship, cooperative efforts, and spiritual unity serves not only as a historical narrative, but as a model for succeeding generations of believers. … as Jesus laid down His life for us, “we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren” (1 John 3:16), serving one another in love and deference (Galatians 5:13). … we should work in harmony with others to share God’s love with the world and to improve people’s quality of life. … We adhere to the Biblical teaching, “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities” (Romans 13:1). However, in cases where the laws or ordinances would violate a believer’s faith or right to practice their faith, we believe that Christians should follow the dictates of their conscience (Acts 5:27–29).
Slide 12. Beliefs: Love Marriage is metaphor of relationship between Jesus and His Church passionate union of heart, mind, and spirit "Law of Love" supersedes all other Biblical laws (except male homosexuality) encourage procreation (birth control originally discouraged) God created sex pure “Sacrifical sex”/”sharing” to promote unity and prevent loneliness We believe that the marital metaphor used in the Bible to describe the intimate spiritual relationship between Jesus and His Church is meant to represent the passionate union of heart, mind, and spirit that Jesus seeks with each of His followers. We believe that God’s Law of Love as explained in Matthew 22:35–40 should govern every aspect of a Christian’s life and interactions with others. … We believe that it is the responsibility of Christian parents to lovingly care for their children, as well as to impart godly principles and moral values to them, and a respect and love for God and others (Ephesians 6:4). We believe that God created and ordained the marriage union of man and woman, and that marriage is the ideal relationship for the forming of stable families. … We believe that God created and ordained human sexuality, and we consider it a natural part of life. … It is our belief that heterosexual relations, when practiced as God ordained and intended between consenting adults, are a pure and natural wonder of God’s creation, and permissible according to Scripture. We believe that the marital metaphor used in the Bible to describe the intimate spiritual relationship between Jesus and His Church is meant to represent the passionate union of heart, mind, and spirit that Jesus seeks with each of His followers. We believe that God’s Law of Love as explained in Matthew 22:35–40 should govern every aspect of a Christian’s life and interactions with others. … We believe that it is the responsibility of Christian parents to lovingly care for their children, as well as to impart godly principles and moral values to them, and a respect and love for God and others (Ephesians 6:4). We believe that God created and ordained the marriage union of man and woman, and that marriage is the ideal relationship for the forming of stable families. … We believe that God created and ordained human sexuality, and we consider it a natural part of life. … It is our belief that heterosexual relations, when practiced as God ordained and intended between consenting adults, are a pure and natural wonder of God’s creation, and permissible according to Scripture.
Slide 13. Beliefs: Eschatology Upon death, soul will be rewarded or judged dependent on one’s actions on Earth God wants all to come to the truth now is the biblical "Last Days" / "Time of the End," just before Jesus returns. 1.Antichrist will rule with a one-world government for 7 years. 2.After 3.5 years, the “Great Tribulation” 3.Christians will be raptured to heaven 4."Battle of Armageddon", Jesus will defeat the Antichrist. 5.“the Millennium,” Jesus’ reign on earth 6.God creates a new Earth and sky, paradise on Earth It is our belief that we are now living in the period of time known in the Bible as the “Last Days,” which refers to the era preceding the return of Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 3:1). His return to Earth will usher in a new millennium of peace, cessation of war and violence, and justice and equity for all mankind. We believe that every person has an eternal soul, and that when they die, their soul is ushered into the afterlife, where they will be rewarded or judged for their conduct in their earth life and assigned to their place in the afterlife accordingly. … While entrance into Heaven is a gift, we believe that the reward believers receive in the afterlife is dependent on their actions on Earth, and whether they lived in accordance with God’s laws of love. … We do not consider that all those who die without receiving Jesus Christ as their Savior will automatically be cast into hell—a place of desolation and suffering—nor will they be eternally bereft of salvation or redemption. In His love, we believe that God will continue to love those who die without salvation and seek to bring them to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). We believe that in addition to angels, God also empowers the spirits of departed believers to minister to and deliver messages to His people. An example of this is found in the Biblical account of the spirits of the departed prophets, Moses and Elijah, appearing and conferring with Jesus (Luke 9:28–31). Paul referred to departed believers as “a great cloud of witnesses” watching over those on Earth (Hebrews 12:1). The Bible foretells that Satan and his forces will ultimately be defeated and God’s plan for humanity will triumph (Revelation 20:1–3,10). Jesus’ kingdom will eventually be established on Earth, and “the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever” (Revelation 11:15). Seven years before Jesus’ return, a powerful world leader known in Scripture as the “man of sin,” “son of perdition,” and the “Antichrist” will rise to power (2 Thessalonians 2:3–4). Three and a half years into his reign, he will declare that he is God, and demand the world’s veneration and worship (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 13:4,7). A mandatory universal financial system will be instituted during this time, permitting no one to legally buy or sell essential goods, except those who bear this demagogue’s mark, name, or number (called the “mark of the beast”) in their right hand or forehead (Revelation 13:16–17). The progression of these events will plunge the entire world into an unprecedented time of social chaos and religious persecution known in the Bible as the “Great Tribulation” (Matthew 24:21). It is our belief that Christians will remain on Earth during the time of the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:15–31). … The three-and-a-half-year period of Great Tribulation will climax in the return of Jesus Christ to the Earth (Matthew 24:29–30). … After this period, God will re-create a beautiful new Earth and atmospheric heavens (2 Peter 3:10–13). God’s Heavenly City, New Jerusalem, will then descend like a magnificent jewel from above to the paradisiacal New Earth. It is our belief that we are now living in the period of time known in the Bible as the “Last Days,” which refers to the era preceding the return of Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 3:1). His return to Earth will usher in a new millennium of peace, cessation of war and violence, and justice and equity for all mankind. We believe that every person has an eternal soul, and that when they die, their soul is ushered into the afterlife, where they will be rewarded or judged for their conduct in their earth life and assigned to their place in the afterlife accordingly. … While entrance into Heaven is a gift, we believe that the reward believers receive in the afterlife is dependent on their actions on Earth, and whether they lived in accordance with God’s laws of love. … We do not consider that all those who die without receiving Jesus Christ as their Savior will automatically be cast into hell—a place of desolation and suffering—nor will they be eternally bereft of salvation or redemption. In His love, we believe that God will continue to love those who die without salvation and seek to bring them to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). We believe that in addition to angels, God also empowers the spirits of departed believers to minister to and deliver messages to His people. An example of this is found in the Biblical account of the spirits of the departed prophets, Moses and Elijah, appearing and conferring with Jesus (Luke 9:28–31). Paul referred to departed believers as “a great cloud of witnesses” watching over those on Earth (Hebrews 12:1). The Bible foretells that Satan and his forces will ultimately be defeated and God’s plan for humanity will triumph (Revelation 20:1–3,10). Jesus’ kingdom will eventually be established on Earth, and “the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever” (Revelation 11:15). Seven years before Jesus’ return, a powerful world leader known in Scripture as the “man of sin,” “son of perdition,” and the “Antichrist” will rise to power (2 Thessalonians 2:3–4). Three and a half years into his reign, he will declare that he is God, and demand the world’s veneration and worship (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 13:4,7). A mandatory universal financial system will be instituted during this time, permitting no one to legally buy or sell essential goods, except those who bear this demagogue’s mark, name, or number (called the “mark of the beast”) in their right hand or forehead (Revelation 13:16–17). The progression of these events will plunge the entire world into an unprecedented time of social chaos and religious persecution known in the Bible as the “Great Tribulation” (Matthew 24:21). It is our belief that Christians will remain on Earth during the time of the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:15–31). … The three-and-a-half-year period of Great Tribulation will climax in the return of Jesus Christ to the Earth (Matthew 24:29–30). … After this period, God will re-create a beautiful new Earth and atmospheric heavens (2 Peter 3:10–13). God’s Heavenly City, New Jerusalem, will then descend like a magnificent jewel from above to the paradisiacal New Earth.
20/20 on the Children of God 20/20 on the Children of God 20/20 on the Children of God 20/20 on the Children of God 1.What signs of media bias do you see? 2.Why are NRMs so often accused of sexual deviance? 3.What is it about sex that makes it prominent in so many NRMs? 4.What is it about NRMs that makes their views on sex different?