1 Ephesians - Christ and the Church
2 Chapter Two... Verses The Church - God’s Redeemed People In chapter one, Paul rehearsed for the benefit of the Ephesians the marvelous steps that God had taken to make salvation possible for them. In chapter two, the apostle’s message becomes more narrowly focused on the personal situation of his readers. To make his point, Paul employs the approach of “before” and “after.”
3 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Two... Verses The Church - God’s Redeemed People He specifies several facts about their spiritual condition prior to obedience: a. They “walked according to the course of this world.” b. They lived “according to the prince of the power of the air.” c. They had formerly possessed the same spirit that still controlled the behavior of the “sons of disobedience.” d. They conducted themselves in ways that satisfied their fleshly lusts, the desires of their bodies and their minds.
4 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Two... Verses The Church - God’s Redeemed People He specifies several facts about their spiritual condition prior to obedience: e.They had been “by nature” children of wrath. f.“Others” were just as lost as Gentiles, because they were guilty of the same sinful behavior that condemns anyone who practices it.
5 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Two... Verses The Church - God’s Redeemed People Next, Paul proclaims the redemption of guilty men by the grace of God. a. “God so loved the world...” b. The Lord’s mercy was so rich it could not be denied any sinner who wanted salvation, but obviously not all who were “dead in trespasses” were “made alive with Christ.” c. Those who made the decision to follow Christ, although spiritually dead in sin, had pursued their decision to be rid of their sin by submitting to baptism.
6 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Two... Verses The Church - God’s Redeemed People Next, Paul proclaims the redemption of guilty men by the grace of God. d.This extensive redemption from sin now shared by men of all nations will be in the ages to come an undeniable testimony of the limitless expanse of God’s grace and mercy, demonstrated by the unselfish gift of His Son (John 3:16).
7 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Two... Verses The Church - God’s Redeemed People Next, Paul proclaims the redemption of guilty men by the grace of God. e. The apostle shifts from “we” and “us” to “you” in verse 8. f. It is salvation, not faith, that is “the gift of God.” g. No person, regardless of his national background or past religious experience, can offer any act of his own devising that would obligate the Lord to save him from sin.
8 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Two... Verses The Church - God’s Redeemed People Next, Paul proclaims the redemption of guilty men by the grace of God. h.Let us be cautious about our understanding of the concept of “salvation by faith and not by works.” i.Our salvation in becoming Christians and our salvation in remaining Christians both depend of “working the works of God” (John 6:28).