Mobile Devices ACGNJ February 9, 2011 Text Messaging
Historical Urgent Communication Runners and Riders Oral or written messages Post Riders Pony Express Telegraph Popular cheap alternative to pre-1990 telephone Telephone Two-Way Radio
Oral v. Written Messaging OralWritten Pros Quickly prepared Quickly transmitted Do not need to know how to read Pros Explicit originator (seal and/or signature) Exact message Permanent record Cons Prologue/context (origination info) may add to delivery time Inaccurate delivery Information easily forgotten Cons Longer preparation time Recipient or delivery needs to be able to read
Digital Text Communication (timeline) Telegraph Telex Bulletin Board System (BBS) messaging Lists (“Mailing Lists”) LISTSERV, Yahoo Groups, Google Groups Instant Messaging (IM) AIM, Yahoo Messager, MSN Messenger, Google Talk Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Text Messaging Blogs Social Network Messaging FaceBook, MySpace Twitter
Digital Text Communication (types) Store and Forward One-to-One Telegraph Telex BBS messaging Social Network Messaging Twitter (Direct Message) One-to-Many BBS and Web Forums Mailing Lists Blogs Social Network Messaging (Status Updates) Twitter Real Time One-to-One Instant Messaging (IM) Text Messaging Social Network Messaging Twitter (Direct Message) One-to-Many Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Web Chat (multiple applications) Social Network Messaging (Status Updates) Twitter
Urgent Communication in the Mobile Era Means and methods must be accessible to senders and recipients at all times Must be real-time, or real-time capable Must be simple, not requiring a large amount of equipment or expertise The equipment is the messenger Must be capable of transmitting information quickly Messages must be capable of being stored Reference, legal issues, prioritization of urgent traffic
Mobile (Cell) Phones and Devices Are always accessible to senders and receivers Are capable of transmitting both oral and written information Are small, portable, and relatively simple to use Are capable of real-time communication Networks are capable of storing missed messages for retrieval Are relatively inexpensive to maintain and use
Text Messaging v. Text Messaging Short messages Readable at a glance Available on even the simplest of modern mobile phones Text messages can be sent to accounts Any length message May take time to read Requires computer, smartphone, or separate service for access and portability
Text Messaging v. Voice Calls Text Messaging Automatic delivery Information at a glance No preliminary context information required Threading available on certain devices Number of text messages may be limited on calling plan Record is always available Voice Calls Direct delivery requires active real-time acceptance Voic is a deliberate choice on the caller’s part Requires vocal context- setting Limited voice minutes on calling plan Record only available if call is directed to voic
How to Text (click for VZW video)
Texting From a 12-Key Keypad KeyFirst PressSecond PressThird PressFourth Press Fifth Press punctuation symbols, 1) 2abc2 3def3 4ghi4 5jkl5 6mno6 7pqrs7 8tuv8 9wxyz9 00 *[shift][CAPS LOCK][lower case] #[space]