2 Outline Definition of the Quran How & Why was the Qur’an revealed? Is the Qur'an a miracle? Is the Qur’an written by Muhammed (pbuh)? Was the Qur'an sent only to the Arabs? Why is it in Arabic? How is the Qur’an preserved until our time? Is the Qur'an valid in today’s world? The gifts of the Quran for human beings
3 Definition of the Qur’an The Qur’an is the expression and explanation of GOD’s laws of creation or “nature.” It is the strongest and immutable source of religious rules and pillars.
4 Cont’d… Qur’an has been sent to human beings: To show them what is right and what is wrong To bring them out from all kinds of (intellectual, spiritual, social, economic and political) darkness into the light To provide their happiness in this world and the hereafter. See (Quran 25.32/ 17.82/17.9)
5 God Almighty Gabriel The Messengers Revelation of the Qur’an All verses in the Qur’an were sent to Prophet Mohammad little by little over a period of 23 years. It was sent to Him (pbuh) by revelation; - By angel Gabriel without being seen - By angel Gabriel in the form of a human (Bukhârî)
6 Is the Qur'an a miracle? For every prophet there are miracles that are valid in their time. Prophet Jesus: Healing Prophet Moses: Staff
7 How was the situation of the human beings before the Qur’an? The literature was very advanced and highly respected among the community at that time. One word may cause peace or war
8 Is the Qur'an a miracle? The Qur'an is a miraculous book in all its aspects. Among these aspects are its style and meaning. Although it uses the words that humans use, humans cannot compete its style and meaning. 17:88. Say: "Surely, if humankind and jinn were to come together to produce the like of this Qur’an, they will never be able to produce the like of it, though they backed one another up with help and support.”
9 Other Miraculous Aspects of the Qur’an Brings news of the future (See 30:2-5) Explains scientific issues that are barely discovered with the advanced technology today (See 22:5) Tells stories of the past (See 12:3)
Was the Qur’an written by Muhammed (pbuh)? It could not be written by Muhammed (pbuh) because; -He (pbuh) was illiterate (He (pbuh) could not read nor write). -There would not be any criticism about Him (pbuh) in The Qur’an -The Qur’an would not have lasted to this day in its original form. (15.87/27.6/ /76.23) And this Qur’an is not such that it could possibly be fabricated by one in attribution to God, but it is a (Divine Book) confirming (the Divine origin of and the truths that are still contained by) the Revelations prior to it, and an explanation of the Essence of all Divine Books – wherein there is no doubt, from the Lord of the worlds.
11 Was the Qur'an sent only to the Arabs? It is only reasonable that the Creator of this universe sends His message to all of His creation. The Qur’an establishes a way of life for all humans not just Arabs. The Qur'an is the final word from Allah to mankind, therefore it is for all mankind. It is also a continuation of the word which was sent down by Allah through His Prophets to mankind. (7.158).
12 The World’s Muslim Population
13 How the Qur’an is preserved to our time: God Almighty promises to preserve Qur’an until the day of judgment. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) had the whole text of the Divine Messages, from the beginning to the end, committed to writing by the scribes of revelations. Many of the Companions memorized the whole text of the Qur'an, every syllable of it, by heart. Prophet Muhammad prohibited his companions from writing his words down during the early years so that his words would not mix with the Qur’an Indeed it is We, We Who send down the Reminder in parts, and it is indeed We Who are its Guardian.
14 Is the Qur'an valid in today’s world? Yes, it is, –T–The owner knows his house better than the guests. –Q–Qur’an is the guide line that will shed light upon human beings until the last day. For it is the word of the one who owns the heavens and the earth.
15 Topics of the Quran 1.The existence, oneness and unity of God The Qur’an teaches humans their Creator and Sustainer.
16 Topics of the Quran 2. Day of judgment (hereafter) The Quran: Saves the human kind from the darkness of perishment. Gives the human being a gift of infinite life
17 3.Qur'an is a life style In accordance with humanity's worth and value, and considering the human heart, spirit, mind, and physical being, the Qur'an descended from the Highest of the High. Containing the most perfect messages, it is a collection of Divine Laws.
18 Topics of the Quran 4. Story of the people before us. The Qur’an tells us stories that contain lessons for us. It confirms the truths and corrects the wrongs of the people who lived before us.
19 Music of The Qur’an
20 Qur’an is…. THE QUR'AN is the pre-eternal translator of the mighty Book of the Universe, And the commentator of the book of the Worlds of the Seen and the Unseen, And the revealer of the treasuries of the Divine Names hidden in the heavens and on the earth, And the key to the truths concealed beneath the lines of events, And the sacred map of the worlds of the hereafter, It is the instructor of the world of humanity, And the true wisdom of mankind, and the true guide and leader urging humanity to prosperity and happiness, And it is a both a book of law, and a book of prayer, and a book of wisdom, and a book of worship, and a book of command and summons, and a book of invocation, and a book of thought, and a unique, comprehensive Sacred Book, comprising many books, to which recourse may be had for all the needs of all mankind.
21 Why is it in Arabic? The Qur’an was revealed in an Arabian area so it has to be in Arabic, just as the other scriptures were sent in the native language of the tribe they were sent to If We had made it a Qur’an in a foreign tongue, they (who now reject it) would certainly have said: "If only its communications had been spelled out distinctly and made clear! Why a foreign tongue, and an Arab (to speak it to Arabs)?" Say: "(It is not a Book whose power or purpose is confined by language.) For those who believe, it is a guidance and healing (for their hearts and minds, and all their senses).
22 Qur’an confirming the other holy scriptures 3.3. He sends down on you the Book in parts with the truth, confirming (the Divine origin of, and the truths still contained by) the Revelations prior to it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel They said: "O our people! We have listened to a Book which has been sent after Moses, confirming (the Divine origin of and the truths that are still contained by) the Revelations prior to it: It guides towards the truth and towards a straight road (in all matters).