ABC Metals, Inc Commodity & Business Report
2010- in our rearview mirror. Big news for most of the nation past twelve months was the continuing recession –At best sluggish, jobless recovery Auto sales, production and inventories
Business Conditions- Macro Note- Automotive and Housing are the largest consumers of copper in the NA market place. Auto Production Down 63% from Feb 07- (low pt. dn. 70% with annualized production at 4.3mil LD Vehicles.) Current Auto Production up 21% from low point. SAAR rate of production is approx 8.5 mil
US Light Vehicles Dealer Stock – Days on Hand
2010- in our rearview mirror. Big news for most of the nation past twelve months was the continuing recession –At best sluggish, jobless recovery Auto sales, production and inventories Housing permits & starts
US Housing Starts & Permits Starts and Permits by month
USD $$ vs Euro- Currency concerns!
Commodities Review- Cu
Commodities Review- Cu- Past 3 months
Commodities Review- Zn
Commodities Review- Tin
2010- in our rearview mirror. Big news for most of the nation past twelve months was the continuing recession –At best sluggish, jobless recovery Auto sales, production and inventories Housing permits & starts ABC recovered nicely –Adapted to tougher demands Fine-tuned systems, processes Leaner organizations, new methods –Sales rebounded to near pre-recession levels;