Цели урока 1. Знакомство с новыми словами и выражениями по изучаемой теме и закрепление новой лексики в речи 2. Обучение чтению с детальным пониманием содержания и совершенствование навыков чтения 3. Развитие навыков аналитического чтения 4. Знакомство с новым грамматическим материалом Past Perfect Passive - Прошедшее Совершенное Время Страдательного Залога
NEW WORDS AND PHRASES ENGLISH WORD Russian EQUIVALENT engine engineer engineering steam engines suspension bridge vessel screw-steamer appointed to power innovative accomplishments двигатель, мотор инженер, механик машиностроение паровые двигатели висячий мост судно винтовой пароход назначенный снабжать силовым двигателем новаторский достижения, успехи
Translate the sentence from the text into Russian. … The Great Eastern remains one of the most important vessels in the history of shipbuilding – the Trans-Atlantic cable had been laid, which meant that Europe and America now had a telecommunications link. Had been laid - The Past Perfect Passive Tense
We use past perfect passive to describe an action (in passive) that was finished before a certain moment in the past
Read the examples below. Find out the sentences with the past perfect passive tense You had started the car too quickly. They had been stopped by the police before they realised what had happened. We had been taken for a ride by the time the other guests arrived. Anna has earned the honours from her hard work. After the cat had been chased up a tree, the smart dog relaxed under the tree. The circus performer had often been hurt by the old lion that died a week ago. Mary has been injured from her jump off the platform. Had he been helped in a long time? He looked very dissatisfied. She had never forgotten Jerry’s attitude. James has been accused of crimes by the judge. She told us she had been remembered and helped by her former students. Harry has been seen in the library lately.
The 28 th of January Class work 8- eight 18- eighteen 28- twenty-eight