外语系 纺织商务英语 Textile Business English. Module Eight Packing, Shipment & Insurance.


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Presentation transcript:

外语系 纺织商务英语 Textile Business English

Module Eight Packing, Shipment & Insurance

Task 1 Packing

1. C ategories of packing 2. D ecide on how to pack 3. D iscuss packing issues Learning Objectives

Lead-in—Group discussion 1. What are the functions of packing? 2. What do you think is the most important when packing textiles for export? 3. What is the most common means of packing?

Useful expressions and patterns  1. Shall we now discuss about the packing of our order?  2. We use a polythene wrapper for each article.  3. What about the inner/outer packing?  4. I’m afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for a heavy load.  5. The cartons are comparatively light, and easy to handle.  6. The cartons are lined with plastic sheets, and are waterproof.  7. How could we lower the shipping costs?  8. We are knowledgeable about shipping and can secure you the best rates.  9. We can crate, box, or rope any items for a small charge.  10. I'm concerned about damage to my breakable goods. Can you mark this shipment Fragile?

Listening Dialogue 1 Notes to the dialogue  1. blouse 宽松短衫。妇女或儿童穿的宽松短衫, 可遮至腰部或稍下的地方。  2. polythene wrapper 聚乙烯包装材料。  3. carton 硬纸盒,纸板箱。  4. gross weight 总重。

Dialogue 2 Notes to the dialogue 1. sample of packing 包装样品 2. woolen sweater 羊毛衫 3. transparent plastic bag 透明塑料袋 4. elegantly-designed 设计别致的 Listening

Listen to dialogue 2 and complete the following blanks: 1. The main purpose of this visit is to _______________ 2. _________ and _________ package is surely a great help in pushing sales. 3. The inner packing is ___________________________ 4. What is the packing for transport? _____________________. 5. The competition from similar rivals is _____________, so the packing should be improved with time.

Listening Dialogue 3 Notes to the dialogue  1. net weight 净重  2. jolting, squeezing and collision 震动、挤压和碰撞。  3. be lined with plastic sheets 衬有塑料薄膜 / 纸箱内衬 袋。  4. the risk of pilferage 被偷盗的风险。  5. Tampering with cartons is easily detected 纸箱受损容 易被察觉。  6. No risk of a claim being dishonored for faulty packing  没有因为包装缺陷而拒赔的风险  7. seaworthy 适合海运的

Listening  Listen to dialogue 3 and fill the blanks with what you hear.  1. Cartons are seaworthy because they are ____________ and _____________ to handle.  2. The insurance company will guarantee ______________ of stolen goods after it approves the package of cartons.  3. Another reason for using cartons is that the charge of wooden cases is ____________________ than that of cartons.

Reading and Analyzing Packing Services

Reading and Analyzing Brainstorming Question How to pack properly?

Packing Services In a hurry? Leave the packing to FedEx OfficeSM. Simply provide us with your package and shipping information, and our experienced staff will make sure your shipment arrives securely. Short on time and don’t have all the supplies needed to pack your shipment? Let us pack it for you. Just visit your local FedEx Office Print and Ship CenterSM where our experienced staff can take care of your packing and shipping needs. It’s just one of the many conveniences FedEx OfficeSM has to offer.

Packing Services  We'll Pack it For You.  With your busy schedule, you may not have time to pack your own shipments. That’s why you should take advantage of our services. Not only can we pack your shipments for you, we also have direct access to FedEx Express® and FedEx Ground® services, giving you a wide range of shipping solutions. When you work with a FedEx Office Print & Ship Center, you can have peace of mind knowing your package will arrive safely and on-time.

Packing Services  Standard and Fragile Packing  Don't have the materials you need to pack your shipment? Let our professionals help you decide what type of packaging is right for your shipment. Whether you’re shipping standard documents or fragile items, we offer an assortment of packs, boxes and cushioning material to protect your items in transit.

 Custom Packing  Sometimes you need to ship something that doesn't fit in a standard box. No worries. We have professionals available to customize a box on-site to meet your packing and shipping needs.  High-Tech Packing  Trust FedEx to pack your technology gadgets. FedEx has specially designed boxes with added protection so that your laptop, cell phone, Blackberry®, or iPod® arrive securely to its destination. The FedEx Laptop Box and Small Electronics Box are available for purchase at each FedEx Office Print & Ship Center location.

Packing Service  Open Early. Open Late.  We’re here to work with you on your schedule. Bring your shipment in on your way to work or on your way home. You’ll find that we’re open when you need us most. And with over 1,800 locations nationwide, you’re never far from a FedEx Office Print & Ship Center. Find one near you today with our store locator.

New Words and Expressions  1. FedEx Office 联邦快递公司  2. FedEx Office Print and Ship Center 联邦快递公司 打印和运输中心  3. convenience n. 便利, 方便  4. take advantage of 利用  5. FedEx Express® and FedEx Ground®  联邦快递和地面送货服务公司  6. a wide range of 各种各样的  7. professional n 专业人员

New Words and Expressions  8. fragile adj. 易碎的, 脆的  9. assortment n. 种类 花色品种  an assortment of 花色品种多的  10. cushioning 减震, 缓冲  11. customize v. 定制, 用户化  12. gadget n. 小器具, 小配件  13. Blackberry® n. 黑莓手机  14. nationwide adj. 全国性的  15. locator n. 表示位置之物, 土地

Notes to the Passage  1. Just visit your local FedEx Office Print and Ship Center where our experienced staff can take care of your packing and shipping needs. It’s just one of the many conveniences FedEx Office SM has to offer.  到当地的联邦打印和运输中心,经验丰富的员工会尽力满足您包装 和托运的需要。这只是联邦公司提供便捷服务的一种。  2. Not only can we pack your shipments for you, we also have direct access to FedEx Express® and FedEx Ground® services, giving you a wide range of shipping solutions.  我们不仅为您包装,而且直接与联邦快递和地面送货服务公司取得 联系,向您提供多种运输方案。  3. When you work with a FedEx Office Print & Ship Center, you can have peace of mind knowing your package will arrive safely and on-time.  您选择了联邦打印和运输中心,就可以放心确认包裹会安全及时到 达。

Notes to the Passage  4. Whether you’re shipping standard documents or fragile items, we offer an assortment of packs, boxes and cushioning material to protect your items in transit.  无论发送标准单据还是易碎品,我们均提供各种裹布、 箱盒和软垫材料,用以保护运输中的物品。  5. FedEx has specially designed boxes with added protection so that your laptop, cell phone, Blackberry®, or iPod® arrive securely to its destination.  联邦快递公司特别设计了带有附加保护的盒子,这样您 的笔记本电脑,手机,黑莓或 iPod 播放器就可以安全到 达目的了。

Group Discussion 1.How to pack properly? Commodities are given in the left column, and packing means in the right column. Please match each commodity with the right means of packing. 1. Cotton A. bale 2. fertilizer B. cartons 3. daily consumer products C. bombs 4. acid fluid D. crate 5. wool E. barrel 6. petrol F. plastic bag 7. vegetable G. chest 8. tea H. carboy

Group Discussion  2. Why are cartons the most common means of packing in ocean transport?

Assignment How will you pack your textiles, leave the packing to courier companies such as FedEx and UPS, or pack by yourselves? List at least three reasons and present to your classmates

Reference For more topic-related information, Pease refer to the following websites: d h