BACKGROUND YouTube, Google Maps, Gmail, Android, and many more services Creativity and innovation Indexed over 1 trillion pages of information on their search engine, launched their new internet browser Google Chrome, and has gained 97% of their revenue from new advertisements Pushing for the next “big thing”
WHAT IS GLASS? Everyday glasses as useful as a smartphone integrated screen display, camera, and hidden battery inside the frame
HOW DOES IT WORK? VOICE CONTROL Screen display is slightly above the normal vision line GPS, camera, messaging, calling, and video chatting Apps in development
How does it compare? PRODUCTDIFFERENCEUSERSPRICE GOOGLE GLASS Small, lightweight design Hands free Many colors Not yet sold in stores; ~1000 Google Explorers ~$750 iPhone 5 Music Millions of apps Panoramic camera 47.8 million sold ~$
Concerns Piracy Cheating Distraction/bad for eyes Resistance to Concerns: o glass-hurt-your-eyes-a-harvard-vision-scientist-and-project-glass- advisor-responds/
Opinion Popular in industries and for companies that have a lot of video conferencing It will sell, but skeptical popularity Would change everyday life
8:00 AM Good Morning Georgia, time for breakfast
Works Cited "Google Glass Already Banned In Many Places Months Ahead Of Release [Video] -" NASDAQ Stock Market - Stock Quotes - Stock Exchange News - N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr months-ahead-of-release months-ahead-of-release " Google Glass - What It Does." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr Leonard, Tom. "Google Glass: Google's sinister glasses will turn the whole world into search giant's spies | Mail Online."Home | Mail Online. N.p., 17 Mar Web. 16 Apr Googles-sinister-glasses-turn-world-search-giants-spies.html. Googles-sinister-glasses-turn-world-search-giants-spies.html Pingdom. "Google facts and figures (massive infographic)." Royal Pingdom » Ramblings and tech news from the Pingdom team. N.p., 24 Feb Web. 16 Apr Rivington, James. "Google Glass: what you need to know | News | TechRadar."TechRadar | Technology News And Reviews. N.p., 10 Apr Web. 16 Apr need-to-know need-to-know
Pictures Cited XNzLmQ2MzIwLmpwZwpwCXRodW1iCTk1MHg1MzQjCmUJanBn/12068c3f /5c6/google-glass-guy.jpg XNzLmQ2MzIwLmpwZwpwCXRodW1iCTk1MHg1MzQjCmUJanBn/12068c3f /5c6/google-glass-guy.jpg urce=univ&sa=X&ei=e8NsUdDDIuLgiAKMiICACw&ved=0CEAQsAQ&biw=1 008&bih=558#imgrc=j6NKUzyLutNCqM%3A%3BwJGRumJNRaB3xM%3Bhtt cons_set01_socialbookmarks%252F512%252Fsocial_google_box.png%3Bht 52F128%252F%3B512%3B512 urce=univ&sa=X&ei=e8NsUdDDIuLgiAKMiICACw&ved=0CEAQsAQ&biw=1 008&bih=558#imgrc=j6NKUzyLutNCqM%3A%3BwJGRumJNRaB3xM%3Bhtt cons_set01_socialbookmarks%252F512%252Fsocial_google_box.png%3Bht 52F128%252F%3B512%3B512
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