By: Brandon Ostasewski Interviewee: Jessica Louise Ostasewski Nuclear Engineering By: Brandon Ostasewski Interviewee: Jessica Louise Ostasewski
Description of Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering is the study of breaking down atomic nuclei and/or any of the subatomic particles. This field was based of the study of nuclear physics.
Fields of Study Maintenance and study of nuclear fission systems Nuclear Power Plants Nuclear Reactors Weapon Systems Nuclear Fission Thermal Fission Nuclear Fission and Plasma Physics Nuclear Medicine and Medical Physics Nuclear Materials and Nuclear Fuels
Nuclear Fission The disintegration of a fissionable atom's nucleus into two or more different elements nuclei.
Thermal Fission Generally the process of obtaining energy from the heat of the reactions in nuclear fission. This type of nuclear engneering is usually found in nuclear power plants were we get twenty percent of out energy.
Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics includes high-temperature, radiation-resistant materials, and plasma dynamics. This serves as a study field for other fields of nuclear engineering.
Nuclear Medicine and Medical Physics Nuclear medicine provides most of modern medicine's diagnostic capability along with providing many treatment options and encludes x-ray machines, MRI, and PET machines.
Nuclear materials and nuclear Fuels Has two fields, Nuclear Fuels and and irradiation induced modification of materials Improvement of nuclear fuels is crucial for obtaining increased efficiency from nuclear reactors. Irradiation effects studies have many purposes, from studying structural changes to reactor components to studying nano modification of metals using ion beams and particle accelerators.
Job Prospects of Nuclear Engineering The prospects of this field are very high a quote from a famous nuclear engineer (Dr. Moussa Mahgerefteh) reads “…right now is a good time to get into nuclear engineering. This field is ever changing with new technology and fields…Pursue this career because there are going to be a lot of opportunities…”
Salary The average starting slarary of a nuclear engineer is around sixty thousand and after five years, it is raised to seventy five thousand dollars The salary though changes through city and job oppurtunity. For example, in the city of Idaho Falls, the salary is sixty one thousand while in Richland, it is ninty four thousand. And also, depending on were you work, it varies like if you work for the government, you get paid seventy six thousand while if you work for a college, you get paid one hundred thousand.
Responsibilities of a Nuclear Engineer of a nuclear engineer vary on job oppurtunity and lab research. But, the person that I interviewed said that the main responsibility of a nuclear engineer wethier your at a nuclear power plant or a lab it does not matter. The universal rule is that YOU MUST FOLLOW ALL RULES OF THE WORK AREA UTHERWISE THERE WILL BE INJURIES!
College College for a nuclear engineer is very rigirous. It could take take possibly up to five years to graduate, you would have to complete many design projects that relate to real world events, you would have to complete a summer semester of college interning with a power plant or other nuclear engineering areas, and learn how to complete a engineering journal. The person that I interviewed said that to get into this field, you must love science and math with a passion and be good at them. For college, you should take two classes as a senior of nuclear engineering design. These two classes both teach you how to work with a group in a lab or work area and the real world factors of a lab such as cost and safety.
High School My interviewee told me that there are no required courses to take in high school, but if you are planning to go into this field, you should take many chemistry and engineering courses.