The Deities of Hinduism Breanna Delgado CIS 1020 Final Project THE DEVAS AND DEVIS
Breanna Delgado CIS 1020 Final Project The Trimurti and Tridevi The Trimurti (the three ‘great gods’) consist of Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma The Tridevi (consorts of the gods) include, respectively, Parvati, Lakshmi, and Saraswati These six gods and goddesses make up the essential triumvirates of Hinduism
Breanna Delgado CIS 1020 Final Project Brahma God of creation Father of all mankind Born out of the lotus flower Four heads symbolize four Vedas (holy books) No longer heavily worshipped
Breanna Delgado CIS 1020 Final Project Saraswati Goddess of knowledge, music, and the arts Consort to Brahma Guardian deity in Buddhism Upholds the teachings of Guatama Buddha
Breanna Delgado CIS 1020 Final Project Vishnu Sustainer of the Universe Personifies light and sun Heavily mentioned in the Rigveda In Vishnu myth, he ‘becomes’ Shiva ‘Soul of the Veda’
Breanna Delgado CIS 1020 Final Project Lakshmi Goddess of wealth, courage Consort of Vishnu Personification of nature Sister to Saraswati Said to bring good luck Protects devotees from poverty
Breanna Delgado CIS 1020 Final Project Shiva The Destroyer Name means the Auspicious One Snake represents wisdom Depicted as a yogin (one who practices yoga) Sits on tiger skin, symbol of ascetic, or holy man
Breanna Delgado CIS 1020 Final Project Parvati The Mother Goddess Appears in the form of Uma or Durga Consort to Lord Shiva Goddess of Power Mother of Ganesha
Breanna Delgado CIS 1020 Final Project Consorts and Children of Deva/Devis GodsGoddessesChildren BrahmaSaraswatiSwayambhumaru, Satarpa VishnuLakshmiThe Vedas ShivaParvati/DurgaSaraswati, Lakshmi, Ganesha, Karthikeya