The Mahabharata -Talks about the long struggle of 5 princely brothers -brothers fought to regain kingdom back from the Kauravas ( Evil cuz's) -its a sacred text -most famous for a chapter called the Bhagad Gita also known as the song of the king That Bhagad Gita Chapter -most famous for a chapter called the Bhagad Gita also known as the song of the king -lots of Hindus use this as something to refer to for how they should act during their day -a quote from it is "Fix thy mind on me; be devoted to me' sacrifice unto me; bow down to me; having thus united thy whole self with me; taking me as the supreme god tho shalt come to me.“ Vedas -earliest known wittings -written in hyprs and prayers -1st Veda= Rigveda= written down in 1300 B.C.E
Ramayana -tells a story of the god Rama -Rama gives up kingdom b.c his dad wanted him to -he wanders India with his wife Sita and bro. Lakshman -Sita= kidnapped by Ravana / Rama calls Hanuman to kill Ravana &win back Sita
Lord Gashena’s B-day -takes place in August or September for the last 4 days Divali/Diwali -Festival of lights -Symbolizes good winning over evil -Thank diff. gods b.c diff gods killed diff. bad guys -5 days in October or November -Fireworks, Lamps in homes, ppl share sweets, have feasts and ware new cloths
No one really knows how it started No founder, no single sacred book Assumed started with Indus Valley civil. in NW India Began approx. 500 yrs. ago Gradually developed over 100 years in India -spread to other parts of world
1500 b.c.= India invaded by Aryans(asian ppl) Aryans brought own religions+beliefs Hindu influenced by Aryans Hindu confused of own religions Diff range of Hindu belief branched out
Body dies, soul reborn May reborn in animal, plant or human Soul never dies Do not remember past life Reincarnation/being reborn process repeats over + over
Lived good life=born into higher state - e.g. king Lived bad life=born into lower state -e.g. worm Do bad things = punish in next life Everything happening in in current life = result of past life -e.g. homeless Hinduist blames karma from past life
Break out of reincarnation cycle If soul perfected = cycle broken Perfect soul reaches state of MOKSHA -MOKSHA= state of happiness, perfectness of soul, no emotion Then soul is absorbed by Supreme Being
Holi Start of India’s hot season Exchange sweets Throw colourd water and powder at each other Bonfire lit Holi eve
Vishnu Shiva Rama Krishna Vishnu worshiped by Rama & Krishna One god (many forms) One goddess Lakshmi Parvati Durga Ambaji Kali