The anti-corruption actions within Swedish Businesses Helena Sundén, Secretary-General, The Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute
The Confederation of Swedish Enterprises The Swedish Trade Federation Stockholm Chamber of Commerce Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) The research-based pharmaceutical industry The IMM Principals
The Code on Gifts, Rewards and other Benefits in Business The Ethics Committee “Ask IMM” Anti-Corruption seminars Anti-Corruption networks Taking the active part in the debate Our work
The attitudes in businesses - In relation to corruption The fastest way to get fired is by the giving or taking of a bribe! The company values and the policy should be followed regardless of where our employees are, close or far away! Anti-corruption is not a single project, it is something that needs to be implemented as a natural part everywhere within the organization. There is a brand value in preventing corruption.
Tendencies (negative) - In relation to corruption An anti-corruption framework and an e- learning do not mean that we can “lean back” and “drop” the issue of anti-corruption! Avoiding talking about incidents that has occurred will not stop them from occurring again! There is no such thing as good corruption!
The measures taken (positive) - In relation to corruption Lifting the anti- corruption actions to top management! Seeing the long term benefits in relation to trust, transparency, fair competition and building the company brand! Joining forces and learning from those who has the experience e.g. of new/emerging markets! Implementing anti- corruption as a natural part of the long term business processes. “Good management” -Living by the rules!
Helena Sundén Phone: Questions