Short-Term Missions How do you prepare for a short-term mission trip so that it is successful and meaningful for all involved?
First the leader must pray before starting any preparation; listening for God in what He wants to do in this trip (Greene). Must decipher if you are hearing God’s voice or just want to do this trip for your own purposes (Vancise). After hearing God’s voice on this decision, choose a destination that is best for your group. Make sure you ask God for direction in this matter. Never choose a location that you personally want to go to. Also, never choose a location that is dangerous for you and the youth.
Choosing a Location Research different places to minister (Borthwick). Do not choose a place just because it is common to go to. After choosing a location, contact this location and schedule a time to go to visit (Greene). Never make a final decision on the destination yourself, consult the pastor of your church and the elders to make the final decision (Greene).
Promoting the Trip Start promoting the trip months before the trip (Greene). Announce it in church services, Sunday school, youth group, and in the bulletin Make sure parents have the information about the trip (Crabtree).
Paperwork Needed for the Trip Applications- this is a must, not everyone is ready to participate in a trip like this (Borthwick). Consent forms- parents need to sign permission for their students to go on this trip and these forms need to be notarized (Crabtree). Insurance Card Information Passport- Youth need to apply for a passport between 6-8 months in advance (Greene).
Health and Medical Information Have medical consent forms filled out by all parents and notarized (Crabtree). Make sure that all the students and volunteers have up to date immunizations needed and if not make sure they get them as soon as possible (Greene). Make sure to have a volunteer with medical training preferably a nurse or doctor (Jones). Have a first-aid kit put together for the trip (VanCise).
Group Meetings Schedule weekly or biweekly meetings so that you are able to meet with the group and prepare them for the trip (Borthwick) These meetings include and are not limited to: preparing youth hearts for the trip, cultural experience, preparing to minister, learning how to write a testimony, dress code, etc. (Borthwick and Greene). Include parents in on these meetings every once in awhile. Parents must stay inform with what is happening. When parents stay informed nothing goes misinterpreted. (Crabtree) Spiritually prepare your students (VanCise)
Support Raising Have fundraisers- must plan these much in advance so they can start immediately after forming the team. (Borthwick). Write support letters (Greene). Prayer Partners (Greene).
Important Information Spiritual Preparation (Vancise) Travel plans (Vancise and Greene) Budget- must figure out how much it will be and how much cash you will need on the trip (VanCise, Borthwick, and Greene). Volunteers- recruit people that you trust with youth and that will help you the best with this trip (Borthwick). Train volunteers (Borthwick).
Travel Plans Plan how you will get to the airport if going to fly to destination (Greene). Know the policies of air travel and your specific airline (VanCise). Figure out ahead of time your transportation at your mission project (Jones). Do you need a bus driver? (Jones)
Plans While on the Mission Field Plan with the mission organization what you will be doing on the mission field (Greene). Plan accordingly and purchase materials for the projects (Greene). If VBS is a part of your trip, prepare lessons and activities and purchase and collect all necessary materials needed for the project (Greene). Plan activities that will let the team reflect and relax (Greene). Plan times for the team to be spiritually fed.
Resources: Borthwick, Paul. “Youth Mission Trips.” Methods for Youth Ministry. ED. David Roadcup. Cincinnati, OH: Standard Publishing Company, Crabtree, Jack. Better Safe than Sued: Keeping out of trouble in Youth Ministry. Loveland, CO: Group Publishing, Greene, H. Leon. A Guide to Short Term Missions: A Comprehensive Manual for Planning an Effective Mission Trip. Waynesboro, GA: Gabriel Publishing, Jones, Karen. MI376. Administration Annex. 16 April Lecture. VanCise, Martha. Successful Mission Teams: A guide for volunteers. Birmingham, AL: New Hope Publishers, Helpful Resource- Olson, Ginny; Diane Elliot; and Mike Work. Youth Ministry Management Tools. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 2001.