Mrs Palesa Tyobeka Deputy Director-General: General Education 26 August 2009
Presentation Outline A. Current state of performance in literacy Evidence from public schools Major predictors of performance B. Strategy to address the literacy challenge
Priorities and measurement The Department is increasingly strengthening measurement to provide credible evidence to inform necessary interventions and support and improve performance in literacy as a an important foundational skill. Achievement of high quality learning outcomes is periodically measured against contextual factors of access, equity and quality that might impact on learning and teaching. National priority at the basic education level is on literacy/language and numeracy/mathematics and these are monitored through periodic systemic evaluations and annual national assessments.
Available Evidence
Observed Levels of Achievement Baseline studies showed average scores of 30% in literacy at grade 3 level (2001) and 38% in language at grade 6 level (2004). Annual national assessments show that 2 out of every 5 grade 3 learners achieved average scores of 50% and above (Levels 3 to 4) in literacy. Corresponding proportion at grade 6 level was approximately 1 out of every 5. Localised tracer studies (QIDS UP) indicate appreciable increases in performance where there has been focused interventions (e.g. provision of basic learning-&-teaching resources) and regular measurement.
Distribution of Achievement
Lowest performance is in the largest (previously disadvantaged) provinces of Eastern Cape and Limpopo However, individual rural schools in these provinces have been identified that tend to over-perform their socio-economic circumstances.
Major Predictors of Performance Key predictors and the “percentage difference (diff.) they account for ” in learner achievement:- Teaching practices (diff. = 59%) Language of learning and teaching (diff. = 49%) School resources (diff. = 49%) Access to learning materials (diff. = 28%) Time-on-task (diff. = 20%)
Strengthening of Measurement Department is strengthening assessments at grades 3, 6 and 9 Schools are directed to set improvement targets and monitor performance towards the 50% target of 2011 (FFL) Deserving schools will be assisted to administer the tests to ensure evenness of measurement.
Addressing key predictors of performance Foundations for Learning Campaign was launched in March 2008 to energise system around the teaching of literacy and numeracy – starting with Grades R – 6 – specifically to do the following: Provide structure around properly sequenced and paced content for teachers in these key learning areas; Assistance with assessment activities covering the entire curriculum and assessing different skills envisaged by the curriculum; Ensure maximum time on task; Provide critical resources for effective teaching; Provide support for under prepared teachers in all grades.
Key strategies and documents: To support teachers in the classroom, the Department has supplied all schools with the following: FFL Gazette: expectations in respect of basic resources; daily teaching activities and assessment FFL Assessment Frameworks: Milestones, that guide teachers to pace learning and teaching and monitor learner performance; Quarterly Assessment Activities: to assist teachers to assess learners and monitor their progress on a quarterly basis: Lesson plans for each quarter to provide teachers with guidance on how to approach Literacy and Numeracy teaching and learning. ReadRight Supplements: Provide useful tips and support not only to teachers and learners but to parents as well – and make Literacy and Numeracy promotion everyone’s business..
2009 and beyond The Foundations for Learning Grade R Toolkit will be sent to all schools with Grade R by November This comprises all the basic resources a Grade R teacher needs in a year for effective teaching; Lesson plans for all terms for Grades 1 – 6 will be sent to all schools for the start of the 2010 academic year (scheduled for distribution by November 2009); National assessments for all Grades 1 – 9 to be conducted again at the end of 2009, and schools assisted to use results in SIPs; A programme of support by districts to be developed with district advisors for a qualitative focus on improving outcomes.