What is a Call Center? How can I work in a Call Center? What does it take to be a Call Center Agent? What jobs does the Call Center offer? What is Customer Care, Outbound and Tech Support?
Introduction to Call Center Watch the following videos: ePLDT eTelecare Global Solutions Live 2 Sell
The Call Center History Call Centers began in the Philippines as plain providers of response and managing services, these have industrial capabilities for almost all types of customer relations, ranging from travel services, technical support, education, customer care, financial services, and online business to customer support, online business to business support. The call center industry is an up-and-coming industry in the Philippines. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is regarded as one of the fastest growing industries in the world. It began to boom in 1997 and slowly worked its way up and our government finally made partnership with the US government.
Top Call Center in the Philippines
APAC Customer Service Inc. Alabang Site Advanced Contact Solutions Inc. Makati City
HSBC Alabang Convergys Alabang
People Support Makati Epixtar Libis
Call Center Work Environment
Call Center Equipment Headset Amplifier Avaya Phone Plantronics Headset Desktop Computer
Call Center Equipment Proximity Swipe Biometrics Proximity Card Biometrics
Famous accounts in the Call Center Industry
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What is a Call Center? a physical place where customer and other telephone calls are handled by an organization, usually with some amount of computer automation. Typically, a call center has the ability to handle a considerable volume of calls at the same time, to screen calls and forward them to someone qualified to handle them, and to log calls. Call centers are used by mail-order catalog organizations, telemarketing companies, computer product help desks, and any large organization that uses the telephone to sell or service products and services. Two related terms are virtual call center and contact center. Telephone service facility set up to handle a large number of (usually) both inbound and outbound calls. Some firms, however, specialize only in calls that are inbound (for assistance, help, or ordering) or outbound (for sales promotion or other messages). Most telephone orders are handled by call centers and not by the manufacturers or suppliers of goods or services.
Call Center Terminologies AHT – Average Handling Time KPI – Key Performance Indicator CSAT – Customer Satisfaction ACW – After Call Work AUX – Auxiliary Break PDD – Performance Development Discussion DAP – Development Action Plan PDP – Performance Development Plan PIP – Performance Intensive Plan IVR – Integrated Voice Response QA – Quality Assurance TL – Team Leader OM – Operations Manager SOM – Senior Operations Manager
There 2 Kinds of Call Center Designation: Inbound - Self Service; Outbound; Blended Internal (In-House) – External (Outsourced) Customer Care Customer care includes tech support, billing inquiries, shipping statuses to good old-fashioned feedback methods. Customer care can literally make or break your business's online endeavors. The type of customer care your Website must deliver depends entirely on the product or service you sell. Customer care really boils down to the bottom line: revenue. Satisfying and helping the customer before and after the sale will attract new customers to your website, and keep them coming back for more. Technical Support User – Friendsly assistance for individuals having technical problems with electronic devices. The technical support team is composed of individuals that are familiar with the ins and outs of a device. With this knowledge, they are able to troubleshoot most problems that a user experiences. information on how to reach technical support is usually provided with the packaged materials included with a device. Technical support may be provided over the phone, through , or with a live-chat interface.
Learn how to provide Quality Customer Care
Examples of Bad Customer Service
Outbound Telemarketing interactive medium for promotion or promotion response; also known as Telemarketing Telemarketing, a response vehicle, includes receiving orders, inquiries, and donation pledges in response to print and broadcast advertising, catalogs, and direct-mail promotions, and also receiving customer inquiries and complaints. Incoming telephone callers are usually given access to an in- WATS number but may also call collect or call at their own expense. Outbound telemarketing is used to follow-up on inquiries, to sell products or services, to clarify or upgrade an order, or to gather information about consumers or other aspects of the market. Unlike other promotion mediums, outbound telemarketing calls interrupt the consumer by demanding immediate attention and are not identifiable as a promotion before the consumer is interrupted. Therefore, telemarketers must be particularly careful not to antagonize the consumer. For example, calls should not be made at inconvenient hours such as dinnertime or early morning. A carefully written script should be utilized by every caller to get the most value from the time and money spent on each call and to avoid angering or annoying the person receiving the call. Some
elaborate calling scripts include answers to every objection a prospective buyer might mention. In contrast, a few telemarketers have utilized a prerecorded message rather than a "live" caller; the consumer can respond to the recording by pressing numbers on a touch-tone telephone dial. Telephone numbers can be dialed at random by a computer that relays the call to an operator when a contact is made. Calls are frequently made to preselected individuals such as current or prior customers or likely prospects selected from a rented list. Telemarketing is used heavily by business-to-business marketers to identify qualified leads, avoiding travel and other costs associated with personal sales calls. One telemarketing call can cost four times as much as a direct-mail piece but can generate as much as two to six times the response. The success of a telemarketing program is measured in terms of contacts made (reaching the right person), attempts made (calls that do not reach the right person, busy signals, or no-answers), and conversions (completed sales, surveys, etc.). The Direct Marketing Association has established guidelines for telemarketing, concerning issues such as calling hours, use of unlisted telephone numbers, and recording of conversations.
Watch this video about sales and how to close a sale
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What is a Call Flow? Call Flow is being used in a call to maintain pacing and control on each call. It will also help you to properly identify the reason what your customer is calling about. 1. Open the Call 2. Gather and Verify the Information 3. Acknowledge 4. Probe (Open and Close Ended Question) 5. Apologize for any inconvenience (if necessary) 6. Provide Resolution 7. Offer Additional Services 8. Recap (if necessary) 9. Close the Call
How to put a customer on hold? Follow these steps: INFORM the customer APOLOGIZE for the inconvenience EXPLAIN the purpose of putting them on hold and give time frame THANK the customer for allowing you to place them on hold and for staying on the line while on hold Hold Spiel: “May I put you on hold for 2-3 minutes so I can check further on your account? (allow the customer to response). Thank you so much. Please stay on the line, Ms. Smith. Thank you so much for holding, Ms,. Smith. It is important that we do this to maintain call control with the customer and for you to maintain a good pace with your customer.
Listen to these sample calls Vonage DirecTv