Call Center Terminologies
Call Center Terminologies Agent Staff Time (Login Time Distribution) Introduction Handling Time (Talk Time + Hold Time + ACW Time) Waiting Time Not Ready Time Shift Start Shift End Calls Received On Queue Entered Calls On Queue Answered Calls Within Threshold Answered Calls After Threshold Abandoned Calls Short Aband. Aband After Threshold
Main Factors Impacting Service Level Call Center Terminologies Introduction Forecast Process Main Factors Impacting Service Level Volumes AHT Staffing Service Level Scheduling Process - 1 Scheduling Process - 2
Answered Calls Within Threshold Call Center Terminologies Introduction Service Level Definition A measurement expressing the percentage of transactions that are responded to in a specified timeframe. For example, 80/30 for a call center means that 80% of the offered calls to be answered within 30 seconds Formula Answered Calls Within Threshold Entered Calls On Queue Short Aband.
Answered Calls Within Threshold Answered Calls After Threshold Call Center Terminologies Introduction Service Level Accessibility Definition The Percentage of Answered Calls from the total received calls regardless the wait time on Queue Formula Answered Calls Within Threshold Answered Calls After Threshold Entered Calls On Queue
(Talk Time + Hold Time + ACW Time) (Talk Time + Hold Time + ACW Time) Call Center Terminologies Handling Time (Talk Time + Hold Time + ACW Time) Introduction Service Level Accessibility Definition Average Handle Time (AHT) :The average amount of time a CSR spends processing a transaction. This includes time spent communicating with end users, putting end users on hold (Hold Time), and wrapping up the transaction after the end user has ended his/her participation in the transaction. AHT Formula Handling Time (Talk Time + Hold Time + ACW Time) Total Answered Calls Notes We should take care that Total handling time divided by the answered calls not the offered calls. Dividing any factor of the handling time over the handling time gives us this factor % from the handling time (i.e. Hold Time / Handling Time = Hold %)
(Talk Time + Hold Time + ACW Time) Total Login Time (Paid Hours) Call Center Terminologies Introduction Service Level Accessibility Definition COPC An efficiency metric that represents the time CSRs are engaged in a customer interaction or are waiting for an incoming customer interaction as a percent of the time CSRs are paid (this excludes paid time off and any non-paid breaks). AHT Utilization Formula Handling Time (Talk Time + Hold Time + ACW Time) Waiting Time Total Login Time (Paid Hours) Notes Based on the above formula used by COPC , the agent considered as utilized as long as agent time spent on Queue either handing customers or waiting for a call , any kind of Not Ready impact utilization negatively
Definition Etisalat Formula Notes Call Center Terminologies Introduction Service Level Accessibility Definition Etisalat An efficiency metric that represents the time CSRs are engaged in a customer interaction or doing any kind of tasks related to the business (i.e. Training sessions , supporting other queue , attending Meeting or 1 to 1 sessions) AHT Utilization Formula Handling Time (Talk Time + Hold Time + ACW Time) Job Related Not Ready Time Total Login Time (Paid Hours) Notes Based on the above formula used by Etisalat, the agent considered as utilized as long as agent time spent on Queue or doing any job related tasks, which means the factor impacting the utilization here is the waiting time on Queue or non productive Not Ready
(Talk Time + Hold Time + ACW Time) (Talk Time + Hold Time + ACW Time) Call Center Terminologies Introduction Service Level Accessibility Definition COPC An efficiency metric focusing on the time the agent spent on Queue excluding any Not ready time AHT Utilization Occupancy Formula Handling Time (Talk Time + Hold Time + ACW Time) Handling Time (Talk Time + Hold Time + ACW Time) Waiting Time Notes The Factor Impacting the occupancy here is the wait time , the higher the wait time the lower the occupancy will be. There is a positive correlation between Occupancy & Utilization used by Etisalat but there is a negative correlation with COPC formula.
Definition Formula Notes Call Center Terminologies Introduction Definition Shrinkage (Lost Time) There are multiple definitions of shrinkage. The definition COPC is: the estimated amount of scheduled time that will not be realized because of absenteeism, sick/late time, training, coaching, team meetings, etc. that are not included in the work schedule. Service Level Accessibility AHT Formula Total Lost Time for the Agent across the Year Utilization Occupancy Total Days the Agent should work During the Year Excluding Days off Shrinkage Notes This factor mainly used by Workforce & Budgeting Teams to consider this while preparing Hiring plan to meet the targeted SL & the operation needs as well. Lost Time = (Absent Days , Annual Days , Public Holidays , Training Days , Meeting & 1 to 1 Sessions) Total Working Days for the agent excluding Days of = (365 Days * 5/7) = 261 Day. There is no Target for shrinkage as it should be revisited periodically as it might be changed from time to time.
Definition Monthly Annualized Formula 12 Notes Call Center Terminologies Introduction Definition This Factor calculated Monthly & YTD (Annualized Attrition) , and it includes the number of voluntary & Involuntary staff separations , which includes Resignations , Terminations & Transfers to another areas Service Level Accessibility Monthly Annualized AHT Formula Utilization Number of Staff Moved Out During the Month Total Number of agents exiting the job 12 Occupancy Shrinkage Opening Headcount Avg. actual # of agents during the period Current Month Number Attrition Attrition Cost : 1- Training Cost 2- Cost of Losing SL during the hiring & Training Period 3- Cost of Hiring & Training. 4- Efficiency of new hires vs. experienced agents commonly referred to as “learning curve” costs. Typically these costs include reduced production, accuracy (fixing errors made by new staff), and the impact on End-user satisfaction. Notes
Definition Non Critical End User Business Formula Notes Call Center Terminologies Introduction Definition End User Accuracy : Inaccuracies that cause an entire transaction to be defective from the end user’s point of view. These errors will have a direct impact on End User Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction Business Accuracy : Inaccuracies that cause an entire transaction to be defective from the business point of view. These errors will have a direct impact on cost business . Non Critical Accuracy : Inaccuracies that do not cause an entire transaction to be deemed defective. Examples include errors in professionalism, soft skills, and some data input errors. Service Level Accessibility Non Critical AHT End User Business Utilization Total Number of Errors Total Number of Errors Total Number of Errors Total Number of Monitored Calls X Number of Attributes in the QA Sheet Formula Occupancy Target 95% Total Number of Monitored Calls Total Number of Monitored Calls Shrinkage 1 - 1 - 1 - Target 98% Target 95% Attrition QA Accuracy Notes Sample Size detected by the Quality Assurance team using Sample size calculator based on the forecasted monthly volume. - Confidence Interval :expressed as a +/- percentage. For example, the results of an end user satisfaction survey may indicate the average score is 87% with a confidence interval of +/- 3%. This indicates the actual average satisfaction of the population is between 84% (87%- 3%) and 90% (87%+3%).
Forecast Accuracy Definition Formula Notes Call Center Terminologies Introduction Definition Staffing Forecast Accuracy : (e.g., actual vs. forecasted transaction volume for the forecast developed to identify required staffing levels to recruit/hire and train staff) , Long Term Forecast. Scheduling Forecast Accuracy : (e.g., actual vs. forecasted transaction volume for the forecast developed schedules for existing staff) , Short Term Forecast Actual Volume Service Level Forecasted Volume +/- 10 % Accessibility AHT Utilization Formula Occupancy Shrinkage 1 - Attrition QA Accuracy Forecast Accuracy Notes Forecast Accuracy Calculated on different levels starting from the interval level up to the Monthly Level Calculating the forecast Accuracy on the Interval level called Accuracy Per Interval (API)
Total Unplanned Leave Time Call Center Terminologies Introduction Definition A measure of the percentage of staff that are not present during their scheduled shift Service Level Accessibility AHT Formula Total Unplanned Leave Time Utilization Occupancy Scheduled Time Shrinkage Attrition Notes Unplanned Leave Include : (Casual Leaves – Sick Leaves – Leave Early & any kind of activities not considered in the published plan i.e., Unplanned Training) To report the absenteeism accurately we have to report it on Hours QA Accuracy Forecast Accuracy Absenteeism
Call Center Terminologies Introduction Client : Hire CSPs to provide services to their end-user customers. CSPs : Provide services to end users on behalf of clients. End Users : Customers of clients. ACD System : Automatic Call Distributor The system used by inbound call centers to answer and distribute calls on a first-come/first served basis amongst the available CSRs. ASA : The average amount of time all end users wait in queue before their calls or chat requests are answered by a CSR. (Time To Answer / Total Answered Calls) Backlog : Transactions that have been received but not processed within the defined cycle time. Blended Staff : Staff processing a mix of call, electronic and non-electronic transactions. FCR : First Call Resolution The percentage of calls successfully processed during the first call made by the end user and not resulting in a repeat call on the same issue. FTE : Usually defined by the entity. It requires standardizing full-time and part-time employees to a full-time equivalent. For example, two part time CSRs who each work half time would be considered one FTE. On Time : The percentage of transactions processed within the targeted cycle time. Service Level Accessibility AHT Utilization Occupancy Shrinkage Attrition QA Accuracy Forecast Accuracy Absenteeism Other Definitions
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