“What do want to be when you grow up?” Every kid has heard it, and every grown-up has asked it. It’s usually not as much a request for information as an effort to make conversation with someone with whom you are completely out of touch, or unfamiliar (and perhaps uncomfortable). But that doesn’t make it necessarily a “bad” question! However, I don’t think anyone asking it expects “grown-up” answers.
So, “What do YOU want to be when you grow up?” One of our Elder’s wives has said several times that she wants to be Mollie Smith when she grows up! She means it as a high compliment, and has used Mollie’s good/godly example to better herself noticeably. Both of these women are very commendable. Despite what you may have heard or believed, “growing up” physically and spiritually is mandatory, Heb.5:12 – 6:2; Eph.4: Let’s spend a few minutes examining some common current goals for life…
So, “What do YOU want to be when you grow up?” Some want to be “funny.” –But this can lead to rotten (the literal meaning of unwholesome) and mean words, Eph.4: –It can also lead to impure, filthy, silly, course, and abusive language and actions, Eph.5:3-4; Col.3:8. Some what to be “famous.” –This may have been the desire of the mother of James & John, Matt.20: It was misguided then and now. –Solomon (and others) seemed to have had the same desire, Eccl.2:4-8; otherwise known as an overdose of the vitamin “I.”
So, “What do YOU want to be when you grow up?” Some want to be “noticed.” –Perhaps this is one reason the social network sights are so popular. While there is certainly nothing wrong with “staying connected” with friends, sharing every mundane detail of your life with as many people as possible is narcissistic. (cf. 1Tim.5:13; 2Thess.3:11) –Solomon wasn’t content with all God had given him- he had to “show off” also, 1Kings 10:1 – 11:4; it & his love of women ultimately cost him the kingdom, 11:9ff. Some what to be “popular.” –Obviously, this is closely connected to the previous two points (fame & notice). The desire for popularity often leads to loss or corruption of personal identity. –The Son of God was not afflicted with the desire to be popular/accepted, Matt.15:1-14.
So, “What do YOU want to be when you grow up?” Some want to be “rich.” –There is little doubt that the desire for fame is closely tied to an inordinate desire for wealth. –On this point, the N.T. has many warnings, Eph.5:5; and they are given to sinners and saint alike, 1Tim.6:5-10. But…
So, “What do YOU want to be when you grow up?” Instead of those things, what about: humility and service, Phil.2:1-8? purity and sanctification, 1Thess.4:1-8? quiet, personal, and steady, 1Thess.4:11? godly wives, mothers, and women who lead by example, Rom.16:1-6? Godly husbands, fathers, Elders, Deacons, and Preachers, 1Tim.4:6-16? You don’t have to be funny, noticed, popular, famous, or rich to go to heaven- in fact, those may prevent it. But you do have to be “pleasing to God”- Eph.5:10. Be that “when you grow up”!