MAVEN CDR May 23-25, 2011 Particles and Fields Package Pre-Environmental Review May , 2012 Flight Software Peter R. Harvey Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) Mission
1-2 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Agenda PER Requirements Development Plan & Status Verification Status IV&V Status Design Overview Central Processor Utilization EEPROM Utilization Memory Utilization and Track Remaining Work
1-3 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 PER Requirements Note: There are no NHB 7150 requirements for FSW PER
1-4 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Software Development Plan Software Products: Boot FSW (PROM) Build1 : Support ETU DCB Test, S/C Interface tests Build2 : Updated, Built for Flight Unit PROM Operational FSW (EEPROM) Build1 : Support S/C Interface, ETU Instrument I&T Build2 : Support Storage Capabilities, Onboard Data Processing, FLT I&T Build3 : Updated, Built for Flight EEPROM Command and Telemetry Database Table Load Scripts FSW Test Scripts
1-5 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Software Development Status Operational FSW Development -210 Requirements -18 require inspection Requirements in flux -218 changes (Level 5) - 83 changes since CDR Boot FSW Development -68 Requirements -8 required inspection
1-6 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Software Verification Status Other Tests/Environments BOOT BUILD2 CPT on DVF BOOT BUILD2 & OPERATIONAL BUILD1 I&T of all ETU Instruments LPW SEP MAG SWEA SWIA STATIC PFDPU – S/C ETU Test at LM PF High Fidelity Simulator to LM Test Bed OPERATIONAL BUILD2 PF FLT I&T of Instruments OPERATIONAL BUILD3 Development Long Duration & CPT on PFDPU ETU
1-7 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 IV&V Status Action Items Remaining 3 Severity 2 Issues (SEP, EUV, HV safing reqmt not found) 5 Severity 3 Issues (SEP, EUV, HV, EEPROM, I/F detail suggested) 1 Severity 4 Issue (Incorrect parent reqmt) FSW completed all Action Items, Awaiting IV&V concurrence Impacts to Requirements = 4 additional Level 5, 2 additional Level 4 No impact to FSW implementation
1-8 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 FSW Design Overview Development Plan : MAVEN_PF_SYS_008A Processor : 16 MHz Coldfire IP Memory : 32K PROM, 256K EEPROM, 3 MB SRAM, 8 GB Flash Language: C Deliveries: Boot, Operational, HFS Requirements: 66 (Boot), 210 (Operational) SLOC : ~3777 in 11 modules (Boot), ~14500 in 19 modules (Op) Test Platform: DVF (Development and Verification Facility) Major Functional Requirements: – Command Reception & Distribution – Engineering Housekeeping Telemetry – On-Board Limit Monitoring, Fault Response – Relative Time Command Sequences – Real-Time Data Collection and Playback – Archive Data Collection and Playback – Data Compression – High Voltage Controls – Attenuator Controls – Controllers for Six Science Instruments – Fault Protection
1-9 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 CPU Utilization
1-10 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 EEPROM Utilization
1-11 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 SRAM Utilization
1-12 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Memory Utilization Simplified NVM to use EEPROM only (no FLASH required).
1-13 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Memory Track PROM Functions Boot Software V1.3 EEPROM Load Uplink Support EEPROM Operational Software V 2.0+ Instrument Drivers Instrument LookUp Tables Relative Time Sequences of commands Limit Monitor Database RESOURCE NEEDS 43% PROM 44% RAM 75% EEPROM 0% LUTs stored in FLASH
1-14 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Work Remaining FSW Development Remaining GSEOS Development Remaining Instrument simulation on ETU (MAG2, SEP2) Instrument ETU’s integrated into PF ETU Limit checking instrument housekeeping I&T Test Scripts, DCB Test Scripts FSW Test Scripts for Operational verification DeCompression Software
1-15 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Backup Backup Slides
1-16 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Orbit Test Sequence
1-17 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Orbit Test Sequence
1-18 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Long Duration Stress Test (72 Hr) High Rate of Commands –Command Pass Simulation Every Hour –Memory Load – Uplink of RTS Database (16KB) –Serial Commands – 1kbps for 60 seconds –Memory Dump RTS Database –Simultaneously Executing RTS and Verifying Results High Rate of Telemetry –Continuous Telemetry at 200% nominal (10 Kbps) –Real Time 200% (5 Kbps) –Burst 200% (5 Kbps) CPU Intensive Processing –Moment maximum rate (4 second period) –Magnetic maximum rate (1 second period) –STATIC maximum rate ( 4 second period) –Data Compression Enabled on All Available Packets –SRAM Memory Scrubbing Enabled –Fault maximum rate (4 second period) Verification –Test Status Logged Every Hour (72 reports) –No Errors in FSW or GSE
1-19 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Boot RTS Boot RTS has 5 RTS Sequences defined of 32 possible. RTS is loaded with the program. All RTS can run simultaneously. Commands executed at 4 Hz. RTS are variable length. Each can be enabled/disabled.
1-20 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Operational RTS Operational RTS has 41 RTS Sequences allocated of 64 possible. RTS database is stored in EEPROM.
1-21 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Command/Eng APIDs
1-22 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Science APIDs
1-23 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Science APIDs
1-24 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Science APIDs
1-25 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Data Compression Count Compression Four scales required {19-to-8, 26-to-8, tbd, tbd} Standard lossy encoding Offscale limit checking CPU Use: ~5-6% MAG Delta-Modulator Implemented by GSFC request Compresses 32x3 to 64x3 (8-bit delta) Packet Size is Constant Packet Period changes 19-to-8 encoding
1-26 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Data Compression SPD Compression Spec’d by D. Curtis Modified Huffman encoding 4 encodings attempted Best-of-4 applied Packet compressed at TM Real-time rate req’d
1-27 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Software Deliverable Schedule Deliverables (src:MAVEN-SYS-PLAN-0020 rev B) Operational FSW BUILD3 ATRR, CPT, ATR and AR expected in summer 2012