MAN UP BIBLE SERIES IRON MAN 2 – How to be a Mentor Lesson One
The Real World Mentors. We have studied in the first Man Up Series, IRON MAN 1, that men need some help to make it in today’s world. We need men today who follow the Bible and live by it! We need leaders in our homes. More and more the normal home has a mom and kids but where is dad? At Work? On the Road? On the golf course? (Ouch, that one hurt to write.) Out of the picture? Too many children are growing up without a dad in the picture. We need leaders in our Salvation Army Corps. We need men who are willing to be there and be a help! Corps are filled with women and children and no man is in sight! We need leaders in our society. We need leaders we can trust. People of integrity are looked for and so often needed. The pedestals are empty. Filled with the self appointed who are lacking in any real character. Why? We have no mentors helping to shape the future and when men are left to their own ways… Disaster is the result. Lets see what God’s Word has for us.
The Word Proverbs 13:20 (NIV) 20 ” Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”
Real Talk We all complain about younger generations. What are you doing to impact a young person in a positive, Christ-like way? Top Four Excuses for not being a mentor: “ I Don’t Care.” - Some one cared enough to share with you. “I feel Inadequate.” - Don’t go by feelings. Do it now! “No one ever asked me.” – I am asking you right now. “I don’t know how.” That is why you need this Series. If we teach you how to mentor in this MAN UP Bible Series will you be willing to give it a try?
Real Steps What do you have that you could share with other men? After each Word list a practical skill you have in that area: EXPERIENCE – Share Wisdom. KNOWLEDGE – Areas of Expertise. ACCESS – To Networks. People of Influence. Set them up. MONEY – Take them to lunch. Invest in a young man. RESOURCES – Share things with him. Tools and Talents. FREINDSHIP – We all want someone to care. TIME – Give some time to them. YOURSELF – Open and Transparent Sharing.
Time to Close I close this first lesson with one of my favorite parables…. “A man walking along the beach sees thousands of starfish washed up and drying out. Soon they would all be dead. As he walked along he began to pick them up and throw them into the sea so they could live. Soon another man came up and asked him, “Why are you doing that?” His response was simple, “ I am trying to save the starfish.” The other man responded, “ Why bother, It won’t make any difference.” As the man picked up a starfish his comment as he tossed it back into the sea was,” It will make a difference for that one.” The ability to influence a nation starts with men who take care of each other. One man at a time. You have a decision to make. Are you willing to be a man who makes a difference? Time to MAN UP!