Presented by the Department of School Improvement and District Accreditation Dianna Weinbaum, Specialist , PX Cheryl Baker, Manager , PX
A School Improvement Plan (SIP) is the primary vehicle for aligning, coordinating and prioritizing the work of the school and community in the context of raising student performance.
School Improvement Plan Continuous Improvement Planning Process Complete SIP Present for SAC Approval Revise SIP based on Peer Review
All schools complete a SIP(including Charter Schools) Schools use the Draft Template (WORD version) for planning Final submission of SIP Schools use the FDOE’s online template DJJ Schools use a DJJ SIP Template (WORD version) EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP—School Improvement Plan DJJ-Department of Juvenile Justice
District’s Newly Revised Vision and Mission Statements School’s Vision and Mission Statements Vision and Mission drive SIP Goals and Strategies School/Staff/Student Data from: Educational Data Warehouse Report –RXOOA0197 People Soft Queries and Reports (Reference Page) FDOE Data Report for Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) Title I Compliance Documentation The Differentiated Accountability Checklist of Compliance EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
The School District of Palm Beach County is committed to providing a world-class education with excellence and equity to empower each student to reach his or her highest potential with the most effective staff to foster the knowledge, skills, and ethics required for responsible citizenship and productive careers.
The School District of Palm Beach County envisions a dynamic collaborative multi- cultural community where education and lifelong learning are valued and supported, and all learners reach their highest potential and succeed in the global economy.
EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
FDOE will work towards populating information from previous online SIP template. EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
Information found in PeopleSoft EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
Information found in PeopleSoft EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
District Funding Page for Title I Schools. Write N/A if no program. ALL SCHOOLS add Policy 2.09 provisions. Single School Culture and Appreciation for Multicultural Diversity Required Instruction Listed in FL Statute (2), as applicable to appropriate grade levels. EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
RtI is part of the MTSS. FDOE Bureau of Curriculum and Instruction offers more information: Notification Letter posted on Federal Programs and School Improvement Websites EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan MTSS—Multi-Tiered System of Supports RtI—Response to Intervention
No Change made from FY12
School Improvement Planning - RXOOA0197 report found in the EDW New Item to Address: Goal 1B: MUST write FAA goal if 15 or more students complete FAA. However, the FDOE recommends all schools write a FAA goal. EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan Goal 1A: Report Level 3 students.
School Improvement Planning - RXOOA0197 report found in EDW Goal 2B: MUST write FAA goal if 15 or more students complete FAA. However, the FDOE recommends all schools write an overall FAA goal. EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan FAA—Florida Alternate Assessment Goal 2A: Report Level 4 and above students.
School Improvement Planning - RXOOA0197 report found in the EDW EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan FAA—Florida Alternate Assessment
School Improvement Planning - RXOOA0197 report found in EDW. EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan FAA—Florida Alternate Assessment
AMO data is coming from FDOE EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan AMO—Annual Measurable Objective
School Improvement Planning - RXOOA0197 report found in EDW EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
School Improvement Planning - RXOOA0197 report found in EDW Each content area has a Professional Development section. EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
Goals for Mathematics Separated by: Elementary—FCAT 2.0 & FAA Middle—FCAT 2.0 & FAA High—FAA School Improvement Planning - RXOOA0197 report found in EDW EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan FAA—Florida Alternative Assessment
Goals for Science Separated by: Elementary/ Middle —FCAT 2.0 and FAA High—Florida Alternative Assessment (FAA) Goals only School Improvement Planning - RXOOA0197 report found in EDW EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
Goals for Writing Students scoring at Achievement Level 3.0 and higher in writing. FDOE may change this level. Look closely when online version is released. Florida Alternate Assessment School Improvement Planning - RXOOA0197 report found in EDW EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
CELLA 15 or more students MUST write a goal 14 or less students can write an overall goal for what plans are in place for ELL students (may place * for numerical data) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Address this goal if you have STEM programs—FDOE may change this to ALL schools CTE (Career Technical Education) Address this goal if you have CTE programs School Improvement Planning - RXOOA0197 report found in EDW for CELLA results Use Guiding Questions EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
EOC’s (Students who take the course(s)) Algebra 1 (two year level data available) Geometry (low, medium, and high one year data only) Biology 1 (low, medium, and high one year data only) US History (Not required for this year) Civics (Not required for this year) School Improvement Planning - RXOOA0197 report found in EDW EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
“In a baseline year or immediately following a baseline assessment it is far more relevant for schools to review the identified level of performance from a broad perspective and begin to develop strategies to address: Subgroups enrolling? Is there a dis-proportionality in enrollment and/or performance on the EOC? How can the results be used to better align the standards based instruction? What strategies and/or supports are needed to enhance prerequisite skills?” EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan EOC—End of Course
School Improvement Planning - RXOOA0197 report found in EDW EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
School Improvement Planning - RXOOA0197 report found in the Educational Data Warehouse (EDW) EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan FAA—Florida Alternate Assessment
School Improvement Planning - RXOOA0197 report found in EDW EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan FAA—Florida Alternate Assessment
EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
Priority and Focus Schools send DRAFT ed to RED and Barbara Terembes on August 31, 2012
EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SAC – School Advisory Council SIP--School Improvement Plan DA--Differentiated Accountability
EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SAC – School Advisory Council SIP--School Improvement Plan DA--Differentiated Accountability Membership list is populated for the current year based on eForm 1710
EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SAC – School Advisory Council SIP--School Improvement Plan DA--Differentiated Accountability Compliance list is populated for the current year based on eForm 1710
Open SIP Template by Accessing… The School District Website, Go to Departments, School Improvement EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
Updated with current year and due dates – Coming Soon!
All Schools utilize the SIP Template except DJJ sites EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan DJJ—Department of Juvenile Justice
EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan A “cookies” time-out feature has been added. SAVE as you go!
1. Approve the School Improvement Plan 2. Share School’s District Accreditation Reports Self-Assessment Report Executive Summary 3. Record Approval in SAC Minutes 4. Gain Approval as needed for major changes EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan SAC—School Advisory Council
September 24, 2012 EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
Conduct Peer Review by October 5, 2012
EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
FY13 SIP FDOE due October 19, 2012 EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
Submit by October 19, 2012 EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
Due November 2, 2012 EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan
1. School Improvement Plan 2. SAC Bylaws 3. Peer Review 4. Compliance of SAC Membership EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan SAC—School Advisory Council
September 24 Save SIP for Peer Review on FDOE Online Template September 28 Submit SAC Meeting Dates to Area Office October 5 1. Complete Peer Review 2. Complete PBSD Form 1710 for each SAC member October Save SAC approved SIP to FDOE’s online system 2. Complete, sign, and send PBSD 2248 SIP Checklist and attachments November 2 Area Review and Approval December School Board Review and Approval October 12, 2012 Differentiate Accountability (DA) Schools FINAL DA Schools Checklist of Compliance
SAC Spring Overview Training PowerPoint View “Requirement for Public Meetings” video on Sunshine Law. Share with SAC members. EDW-Educational Data Warehouse FDOE-Florida Department of Education SIP--School Improvement Plan SAC—School Advisory Council
Pam Atkins, Secretary PX 48854, Dianna Weinbaum, Specialist PX 47667, Cheryl Baker, Manager PX 48792,