*Why is a signature important to know? *What do you use a signature for? *What does your signature mean to you? *What should your signature look like? YOUR PERSONAL SIGNATURE
Please have your warm-up spiral, agenda, and HW folder on your desk. Please fill out your agenda while you wait. DEFINE: SIGNATURE a person's name written in a distinctive way as a form of identification in authorizing a check or document or concluding a letter. What are reasons/situations that you will need to write your signature? WARM-UP
Act of signing your name indicates ownership or approval of the messages and ideas that you write down It is an important representation of yourself on paper. Signing your name to something you have written means that you have written that document. Writing your signature can also express a strong commitment to an idea or binding agreement and should be used responsibly. SIGNATURE CONTINUED…
Your signature MUST be in CURSIVE and MUST include your FIRST and LAST name! In your warm-up spiral, please practice writing your signature 3 times—I will be coming around to make sure you are on the right track! Please complete “What Your Signature Means to You and Others” If you do not finish in class, it is homework! HW: Signature worksheet due Tuesday WHAT YOUR SIGNATURE MEANS TO YOU