Evaluation Toolkit
Strategies and Tools to Assist You
Welcome Introductions Learning Targets: Teachers will understand their individual responsibilities in regards to the new evaluation components, timeline and evaluation standards. Success Criteria: Teachers will write down their personal “Next Steps” in preparing for the transition to the new evaluation system.
How did the new evaluation system come about?
Legislative Proposals
New Evaluation System Essentials Overall Evaluation Components: ●Observation Tool ●Student Growth ●Stakeholder Input Self- Evaluation Professional Growth Plan Observation Tool (for Formative and Summative Evaluations) *USOE has not yet determined the percentages for each component.
State & Provo Evaluation Timeline
Join Provo Educator Evaluation Community on Google+ Resources
How will principals and teachers access the components of the USOE formative/summative observation tool ?
What is the basis of the USOE formative/ summative observation tool ?
1. List one attribute or strategy on each of your five post-it notes. 2. With people at your table, combine post-it notes into 3 categories/ groups. What makes an effective teacher?
Effective Teaching Standards Domains
Effective Teaching Standards Domains
3. Compare your groupings to the Utah Effective Teaching Standards (UETS) domains. What makes an effective teacher?
Qualities of an Effective Teacher
Let’s Get Comfortable in our New Reality Unpacking the Utah Effective Teaching Standards
Effective Teaching Standards Domains & Standards
Effective Teaching Standards Domains & Standards
Effective Teaching Standards Domains & Standards
Effective Teaching Standards Domains & Standards
Effective Teaching Standards Domains & Standards
Effective Teaching Standards Domains Learner & Learning Professional Responsibilities Instructional Practices 1. Learner Development 2. Learning Differences 3. Learning Environments 8. Reflection & Continuous Growth 9. Leadership & Collaboration 10. Professional & Ethical Behavior 4. Content Knowledge 5. Assessment 6. Instructional Planning 7. Instructional Strategies
Standards Activity: Reflective Practice 1. Visualize one of your recent effective lessons. 2. What strategies did you incorporate? 3. List them according to Utah Effecting Teaching Standard on “Give One, Get One” worksheet.
Give One, Get One
4. Standard Strategies Discussion: Ask your partner if they listed a strategy for a standard you are missing. Then share one of your strategies with your partner for a standard they are missing. Standards Activity: Reflective Practice
What bag best represents you?
We can all meet the Effective Teaching Standards with our own unique style. We need to take the lead on our own evaluations by engaging in reflective practice and gathering evidence of meeting the standards. Professional Educators
Responsibilities Educator: ●Complete Self Evaluation ●Design Professional Growth Plan & Engage in Corresponding Professional Development ●Gather Evidence of Effective Teaching Standards in Practice Administrator: ●Observation Tool(s) (Formative) ○ Conference & Mentoring ●Observation Tool (Summative- according to District Evaluation Plan Cycle) ○ Pre-Conference ○ Observation Tool ○ Post Observation ○ Overall Rating
Monthly Inservice on Practical Applications of Effective Teaching Standards by representative of local association Resources
Evaluation Toolkit What is it? ●A web-browser based tool with examples of evidence for each standard and fillable forms ●Key features: ○glossary of terms ○cross referencing between standards and types of evidence Why use it? ●Organize evidence of Effective Teaching Standards in you practice to present in post- observation conference
How do I get access to it? 1.Save file to personal laptop, flash drive, or cloud storage option 2.Click of “to begin click here” file to open 3.Agree to “Terms & Conditions” 4.Begin navigating & saving evidence by selecting the appropriate standard or evidence option and fill in data. Caution: Do not save evidence on a computer or other device owned by the school district. Evaluation Toolkit
Learning Target: Teachers will understand their individual responsibilities in regards to the new evaluation components, timeline and evaluation standards. Success Criteria: Teachers will write down their personal “Next Steps” in preparing for the transition to the new evaluation system. Wrap-up