Child Health 2010 Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey
Immunisation Coverage Childhood Illnesses and Treatment © 2001 Marcel Reyners, Courtesy of Photoshare.
Full Immunization Children who have received: BCG Measles 3 doses of Tetravalent or Pentavalent 3 doses of Polio (excluding polio 0) Are said to be “fully immunized”
Childhood Immunizations Percent of children months immunized DPT-Heb B-HibPolio
Immunization Coverage Percent of children age months fully immunized Mondol Kiri/ Rattanak Kiri 28% Preah Vihear/ Steung Treng 66% Kampong Thom 79% Kratie 71% Siem Reap 89% Otdar Mean Chey 78% Banteay Mean Chey 93% Battambang/Pailin 79% Pursat 74% Kampong Cham 85% Kampong Chhnang 76% Preah Sihanouk/ Koh Kong 74% Kampot/Kep 57% Kampong Speu 89% Takeo 84% Svay Rieng 75% Prey Veng 76% Kandal 77% Phnom Penh 84%
How Does Cambodia Compare? Percent of children months fully immunized
Trends in Immunization Coverage Percent of children months
Trends in Immunization Coverage Percent of children months
Immunization Coverage by Mother’s Education Percent of children months fully immunized
Immunization Coverage by Household Wealth Percent of children months fully immunized PoorestWealthiest
Immunisation Coverage Childhood Illnesses and Treatment © 2001 Marcel Reyners, Courtesy of Photoshare.
Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) In the 2 weeks before the survey, 6% of children under age 5 were ill with cough and rapid breathing, symptoms of ARI. 64% of these children were taken to a health facility or provider. 39% were given antibiotics.
Fever In the 2 weeks before the survey, 28% of children under age 5 had a fever. 63% of these children were taken to a health facility or provider. 0.3% were given antimalarial drugs. 44% were given antibiotics.
Diarrhea 15% of children under age five had diarrhea in the 2 weeks before the survey; 2% had bloody diarrhea. 59% of children with diarrhea were taken to a health facility or received treatment from a health provider.
Diarrhea Prevalence by Age Percent of children under 5 with diarrhea in the two weeks before the survey
Knowledge of ORS Packets 95% of mothers know about oral rehydration salts (ORS) packets or ORS pre-packaged liquids to treat diarrhea
Diarrhea Treatment Percent of children under 5 with diarrhea in the two weeks before the survey
Feeding Practices During Diarrhoea Liquids Offered (compared to usual) Food offered (compared to usual) 48% of children continued feeding and were given ORT and/or increased fluids, as recommended
Key Findings 79% of children have all the recommended immunizations. Immunization coverage has increased in recent years. 6% of children under five had symptoms of ARI and 28% had fever in the 2 weeks before the survey. 15% of children had diarrhea in the 2 weeks before the survey. Of these, 59% of children were taken to a health facility or provider. 53% were given ORS or increased fluids. 19% did not receive any treatment.