What is a Cult? A religious organization that is largely outside a society’s cultural traditions New religious movement whose beliefs or practices are considered abnormal and bizarre
How do they come about? Many spin off as sects from mainstream religions A lot of accepted religions were are one time considered a cult Examples- Judaism for being monotheistic when polytheism was dominate Christianity- following a man who claims to be God’s son Islam- Muhammad claiming to be a prophet of God Some form around a charismatic leader with new ideas
Separating Religion from a CULT Cults tend to not last very long- a few decades maybe Cults tend to exclude any outside doctrine and expect adoption of radical new lifestyle Cults can develop on a social movement Cults can also limit or cutoff member from outside associations
Checklist established by the International Cult Studies Association Deceptive to bring people in Group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to leader Questioning is discouraged or even punished Mind-altering practices- meditation, chanting, mumbles Leadership dictates Us versus them If you leave you will go to “hell” Character Assasination No accountability for leader to any authority Exalted ends justifies the means Shame or guilt used to keep loyalty Cut ties with family or outside world New member and making money focus Encouraged or required to give excessive amounts of time to organization Can feel like you are unable to leave
Types of Cults Religious- What makes them a cult is not what they believe but mind control Commercial “cults of greed”, special programs to make you wealthy Self Help & Counseling Completing their course or seminar will help you be successful again. Pay for the next level of help Political Social movement such as Hitler in Nazi Germany or Stalin and Communism
Love Bombing Everyone is happy Immediate best friends Push to spend time with group more and more Finally found the “ANSWER” Watch out for “struggling brothers and sisters”
Warning Signs Deception No valid business or records, look on line, Super hyped meetings, books, products Slow to reveal beliefs and doctrine Intense Unrelenting Pressure Single Charismatic leader with no check or balance system Instant friends Ask for money to go to next level
What makes a cult a cult? NOT ABOUT BELIEFS Its about MIND CONTROL!!!!!