40 DAYS AND 40 NIGHTS: COUNTDOWN TO PSSA Chester Upland School District Education Empowerment Board C. Marc Woolley, Esq. Kathy Schultz, Ph.D. Juan R. Baughn, Ed.D. Chair Vice Chair Secretary/Treasurer Gregory E. Thornton, Ed. D. Joyce A. Wells, Ed.D. Sharon P. Hunter Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Assistant Superintendent
YES WE CAN…….AYP! Our children are filled with untapped potential To educate means to develop abilities Nurturing excellence is our mission
PSSA Testing Window Writing: 2/9 -2/20 Grades 5,8,&11 Reading & Math: 3/16- 3/27 Grades 3-8 & 11 Science: 4/27- 5/8 Grades 4,8, & 11
Achievement We Can Believe In “If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress. “ President-elect Obama
Good Instruction Is The Best Test Preparation Continue to Teach to the State Standards Focus on Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content Use Data to Inform Instruction Identify Exemplars and Share Best Practices Bell to Bell Instruction
Address Needs of ALL Students Provide additional support in class EAP Tutors Achieve 3000 Apangea: PSSA Learning Pathway Accommodations
40 Days and 40 Nights Enhances Content Instruction Provides weekly focus Genre Test Taking Tip Instructional Strategy Includes PSSA Scoring Guides PSSA Glossaries/ Adopt A Word PSSA Formula Sheets Top Ten Test Taking Strategies for Students
Parent & Community Support School initiatives Student attendance Homework completion Message about the importance of always doing one’s best
District-wide Incentives Weekly: Principal with best student attendance will receive two movie passes Principal with best teacher attendance will receive two movie passes Monthly: Principal with best student attendance will receive $25 American Express Gift Card The class in each school that has the best attendance will receive soft pretzels and certificates from superintendent The teacher in each school that has the best student attendance will receive $25 Staples Gift Card Principal with best teacher attendance will receive $25 American Express Gift Card Achievement: The class in each school that show the most growth on January’s 4Sight will receive pizza party hosted by the superintendent AYP: The school that achieves AYP and shows the most growth will receive a catered opening lunch in September, 2009.
January 15, 2009 District –wide kick off Pep rally on Friday, 1/16/09 After school Opportunities