Makrand Siddhabhatti Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai 17 Aug
gLite Component * WMS (Workload management System) * Computing Element * Worker Node * Monitoring Node * Storage Element * User Interface contd… 17 Aug
gLite Architecture * Meta Scheduler * Local Resource Manager (LRM) * Virtual Organization Management Service (VOMS) * gLite Information Services gLite Security Advance Topics * AMGA Metadata Catalogue Service * GANGA – The Job submission Tool * SRM-SRB 17 Aug
Authentication and Authorization of User. Accept Request From user. Selection of Appropriate Computing Element. Keep Track of Jobs and their status. Also termed as Resource Broker. 17 Aug
5 WMS UI Grid Site (CE+SE+WN) Information Service File Catalogue WN
Head Node of Grid Site. Working As a Site BDII (Grid information index Server). Meta Scheduler (Maui). Batch Server for Worker Node (pbs_server/LSF daemon). Operating GRIS (Grid information index Server) 17 Aug
7 CE+ Site BDII (GRIS) (Pbs_server) (Maui scheduler) WN GIIS WMS MON
Node of Actual Job Execution. Working as client for CE (pbs_mom/LSF daemon). Update CE about the job Status. Work in private network but should able to contact outside world. 17 Aug
Used to Publish the information about site. Based on RGMA (Relational Grid Monitoring Architecture). * rgma-server and rgma-client daemons. Publish information to Top Level BDII. 17 Aug
StoRM (Storage Resource Manager) used to access the storage. Types of SE’s * DPM (Disk Pool Manager) * dCache * Castor Identification of files by GUID’s, LFN’s, SURL’s. 17 Aug
Entry Point of Users to access the Grid Infrastructure with Valid Grid Certificate and VOMS membership. Job Submission. Job Output retrieval. 17 Aug
Meta Scheduler : It is a job scheduler containing the policy regarding execution of jobs. LRM : Responsible for receiving, creating and placing jobs into execution. VOMS : A facility provides the sharing of resources for the member associated with similar operation or experiments. 17 Aug
17 Aug GRIS (At Each Resources) GIIS (Site BDII) Top BDII
Authorization and Authentication. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). SSL Protocol, authentication based on sharing of public keys. 17 Aug
Identification of the end point of communication called as Authentication. Verification of accessing virtual organization and there resources called as Authorization. 17 Aug
It is cryptographic term, demonstrate an arrangement of binding the user’s public key to its Certification Authority. Secure Socket Layer protocol is used to made an encrypted communication between web server and browser. Generated Private key is stored in the browsers pool and public key will be sent to certification authority for signature. 17 Aug
Arda Metadata Grid Application Users needs an efficient mechanism to describe and locate file over grid, can be done by adding attribute to file. Metadata, is the list of attributes and there values associating with entries. Based on lightweight and streamed protocol. 17 Aug
It is frontend interface for users to submit and manage jobs on grid environment. GANGA Architecture contains * Client * Application Manager * Job Manager * Job Repository and File workspace 17 Aug
SRB, Storage Resource Broker is a file management system based on client-server architecture, support heterogeneous data storage resources. SRM, Storage Resource Manager is protocol to manage storage resource and provide space management. * Handling mapping between LFNs, GUIDs and SURLs. * NOT a file Access protocol. * Provide uniform interface to heterogeneous storage resources 17 Aug
Questions !!! 17 Aug
Thank You. 17 Aug